I kept coming up with Martha and Mary but when you posted a family pic of two young ladies I knew they were sisters and they were in someway my family too. I had seen that pic somewhere before and could not remember where. My mom was one of 6 and we joked about her daddy was a Ninja cause nobody had pictures of their parents so we all grew up knowing little to nothing about our grandparents. Was it by chance that you found me in 2018 as I am a close relative of a celebrity profile you manage. I was not yet on Geni but on another platform. Maybe it was another Curtis but I was knocked off my feet because I JUST KNEW IT KNEW IT KNEW IT. I kept the notification. I wont mention "her" name because she is living. She came to me in a dream of all things. She is the missing link.
So if it was not you that found e in 2018 then... I know something you don't know. (LOL)
Wasn’t me, Vanessa Brooks DP713053C1
I remember you saying that here on Geni but I don’t think that was me.
I have no recollection of a picture of two sisters.
I am getting old. Perhaps I can help with the Sarah Old (born Judkins) She is in a close family member tree who is private but he gives me access to his tree that has a plethora of information that other platforms do not. He is a BALL. Over 60K in his tree and I will see the different variations of the spelling of Sarah's name HOULT I know is one of them but there are a few more variations the family used on documents. - you are amazing Cindy
-- nessa
Yes I think we are looking at it differently but I am not the guru you guys are. I see the tree paths are constantly changing from the interactive work of all the profile managers and curators. I get it.
This is a super big project and unfortunately feelings might get hurt but we strive for truth. I think I see some things that you guys do not see because you are not looking for your grandparents like I am. I have to walk so many tree paths to show Geni the path from my DNA to the cousin in Norway born in 900AD.
I have not connected the dots to Nefertiti yet but am almost there. Then on to Eve or as close to her as my DNA gets L1c2b1.
This is where I am headed and Geni is going to take me there as we follow my mitochondrial bloodline which is very long. I had no idea so many kingdoms were intertwined in my DNA. News Flash people of Earth. All roads lead to what I call the BOAT. Beginning Of All Time. Humanity Ground-Zero located somewhere in or around Africa, Egypt and Europe according to Science research.
Geni keeps finding more grandparents and cousins for me. Some of these ancestors were down right scarry people. But they are still part of my bloodline. Whether I like it or not.