Gregers Clemendsen (Clemensen) - translated from Danish in overview to English

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Today at 4:21 AM

06 FEB 1660

Skads Church, Skast Parish, Skast Herred, Ribe County.

NOTE Source: The book The Spangsberg Family of 14 July 1835 by Ole Wulff and

A Southwest Jutland family for more than 300 years.

The start of the Spangsberg name, starts with Gregers Clemendsen

who must be said to be the ancestor of the Spangsberg family.Gregers

was a tenant under the manor Krogsgaard in Tjæreborg Parish.

Around 1640 he became bailiff or clerk for the estate. It was

while the tough Holstein gentleman Jørgen Ratlow had

the. He was not held by his subjects. In 1640 Jørgen was

Ratlow in violation of one of his attachments. One of them claimed, "that page

Gregers Clemend was bailiff at Krogsgaard, then each

may have been bailiffs or servants. "He may have been

re zealous in the service stone than the peasants cared for. During a legal

case that took place at the same time, against a party in Skads ved

name Jens Steffensen, Gregers Clemendsen was assaulted by

Lene Jenskone, who hit him in the head and on the hand with a stick.

In each other's mouths, Jens Steffensen and his wife shouted for

the mighty one: "You have always hated us and been the cause of it

tired ". And Lene Jenskone added at her own expense:" I must

promise you that you will get a devil's move, you scoundrel ", a very far-

equal remark at a time when it was believed that every woman was one

latent witch. Jens Steffensen had moved from his farm in Skads

to Rovst in Grimstrup Parish, and he had taken some with him

nail-biting things that the landowner thought belonged to the farm. Gregers

Clemendsen was among the 24 formers in the board that in

1637 commented on the conduct of Marin Tomisdatter (Maren Splids).

She was born in Grimstrup "of honest, godly and pious for-

older oc had always from her childhood, oc all the time she hafuer

werit udi herett, sogn, by oc omgenggelse hos denom, hafde hun

shicket oc behaved honestly, christeligen oc well, so no kun-

they other than gifue hinde a good windesbiurd "It helped as be-

not known, as Christian the 4th after 5 years of trial demanded

executed her, after which she was burned in 1641 between gallows-

the hills outside Ribe on a bonfire with 22 loads of firewood.On April 4

1637 presented Chr. Saderup in Varde a matter of knowledge regarding 7

skp. grain, which Gregers Clemendsen should have promised Chr. Sade-

rups father.Gregers Clemendsen claimed that the witness was false. Herreds-

the bailiff gave Jens Hansen I Maade and Peder Christensen in Strand-

by the script (after devar of the 8 men and could read and write).

They thought a digit had changed. and the bailiff's seal on the writing

sen was not right and the printer's seal was not "suppressed". While

Peder Christensen sat and read in the scripture, took Chr. Saderup it out

of his hand "without leave and kept it with him and would not

present ". The bailiff forbade him on behalf of the Royal Majesty" that

times from the thing before he put it down because it was declared

right for false ". The case was not mentioned since, so the parties are probably

in 1642 Jørgen Ratlow sold Krogsgaard to Wentzel

Rothkirch, Christian the 4th's savior in the Battle of Lutter

am Barenberg 1626. He built a new expensive manor with

4 wings on 2 floors, surrounded by ramparts and tombs.After Riberhus lens-

accounts 1654-1655 get Gregers Clemendsen along with several

others a fine because they did not apprehend "Tommes Terp udi Varde, there

he killed Peder Nielsen in Forumlund ". Each had to pay 18 da-

ler curant.It was a troubled time Gregers Clemendsen lived in -

He experienced 4 wars: the Kalmar War 1611 - 13, the Imperial War 1625

- 29, Torstensonkrigen 1643 - 45, and finally Karl Gustavkrigene

1657 - 60. During the last 3 Jutland was occupied, with everything had this

entailed by violence. looting, burning and plague. Still see it

out that he manages fairly well through the difficult

times, for he left behind the richest estate of the whole lord below

the Swedish wars. A shift was held after him on March 6, 1660,

but due to the turbulent times, the change was first registered one year later.

nere. The fortune was 2269 plain dollars plus uncertain promissory notes

440 sldl. - The debt was 526 aldl., So the net fortune was 2183

sldl. - In addition, 2 sons in dowry had received 539 and 511

sldl., so that it was a significant fortune according to the

stok.Gregers Clemendsen is mentioned numerous times in Skads herreds

court records in connection with lawsuits. He is the ancestor of it

widespread Spangsberg family who held a prominent position in

Jerne Parish in the 18th century. Source: the book "Fra Ribe Amt volume 18". It

richest estate in Puglund was Gregers Clemmensens in Andrup,

where the shift was held March 6, 1660, but first was almost read

a year later. Here the fortune was 2-269 sdl. plus uncertain promissory notes

at 440 sdl. The debt was 526 sdl., So the net worth was 2,183 sdl.

He was bailiff (presumably riding bailiff) at Krogsgaard (where Esbjerg was later founded). He was also one of King Christian IV's total of 20 councilors to decide on Maren
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