New API behaviour in error: Returned URL from API calls is now referencing localhost instead of

Начал Craig Andrew Miles сегодня
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Сегодня в 6:59 до полудня

Why is it that suddenly (within the last 7 days or so), an API call to a profile eg

is now returning:


where you can see that while the profile_url returned correctly references eg Craig Andrew Miles the url returned is now incorrectly referencing https://localhost:3000 eg https://localhost:3000/api/profile-34720621852 which is of course an invalid URL which should be

This worked as expected, as I said, until very recently so something must have changed at the Geni end.

I would be grateful if this could be fixed ASAP.


Craig Miles

PS I also logged this at but it seems that this is infrequently responded to

Сегодня в 8:04 до полудня

I noticed the same weird behavior…

Сегодня в 8:30 до полудня
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