Bernhard / Levi Lieffmann (Seeligmann / Meyer) - Bernhard / Levi Lieffmann (Seeligmann / Meyer)

Started by julian Duband on Monday, June 6, 2022
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Hi there RVK and Michael Max Liffmann
My name is Julian Duband. I live in Melbourne Australia.
I'm seeking info about Bernhard - he was my Great, great, great, grandfather (direct relative 5 generations back)

He was the great great grandfather of my mother Helga Liffmann born 1922.
I am Helga's son.

I'm starting to investigate our family tree - actually my 12 year old twins are doing it for their Roots project at school.

I have some questions you may be able to answer:

Is Levi, Bernhard's middle name?
Is Lieffman sometimes written as Liefman?
What is the whole name change about? Was his name Bernhard Seeligman?
What is the Meyer?

I'd love to know the answers.
I'm hoping you will answer me as I'm very much fascinated and since mum passed away just last year at 99 years of age, I want to know things
that she was never able to tell me or talk about.

Kind regards
Julian Duband (Melbourne Australia)

Hi Ray

Thanks for the link. It's amazing really and thanks for taking the time to respond. The link brings more questions though and I don't have the answers...... do you?

Why was there a name change though? If Bernhard Lieffmann was once Levi Seeligman, where was he from and why did he change his name? OR..... was his name Levi Meyer? It's all a bit confusing and I don't know why the names changed. And why the change from Lieffman to Liffman?
I'd love to keep our dialogue going and to find out all I can, if you're up to it of course.
Wishing you well Ray

That's all we know.

Often at name assumption people took other names. Maybe 'Bernhard' was considered to be more German than 'Levi'

Julian-Good morning from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA! I am Michael (actually, MIguel but that is another story) and I have followed RVK's advice and it has led me to some very interesting findings about my ancestors--all Ashkenazic Jews--in Germany's Rhineland. In the vicinity of Monchengladbach.

Best if we communicate via email. I can send you information. My address is (Note the two f's and n's). I have a family memoir, Hotel Colombia, and some updates.

I hope you know that you have family in Australia. There is a Michael Liffmann in Melbourne whose father's name was also Herbert and a Kurt Liffman (one n) also in the Melbourne area. Both university academics as was I before retiring in 2016. Cheers for the rest of your Sundays! Mike

HI there Mike and thanks for your reply. It's very exciting all of this and I only wish I would have started this process a few short years ago when my dear mother Helga was still alive. Anyway, for me and my kids and generations to follow, I'd love to know more. I'm not aware of a Michael or a Kurt Liffmann in Melbourne. I'm sure they'd be on the tree somewhere but my mother never talked of them, neither did my uncle Erwin when he was alive.
Anyway, I will email you and we can continue more discoveries.
Well it's 11.50pm in Melbourne and I'm up in 6 hours to walk the dog before work, so I'd better be going.
Thanks again for your contact. It's very much appreciated.
Kind regards

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