Jon Huntsman is my 11th cousin.
→ David Ronald Davis
your father → Elizabeth Jane Davis
his mother → Elsie Vernor Horn
her mother → William Ambrose Redding
her father → Alfred Redding
his father → Delphia Redding
his mother → William A. Brown
her father → Anne Ann Hale
his mother → John Hale, Jr.
her father → John Hale
his father → Mary Hale
his mother → Dorothy Moore
her sister → Sarah Todd
her daughter → Josiah Todd
her son → Deborah Blakeslee
his daughter → Sarah Todd
her daughter → Patience Clinton
her daughter → Sarah Mariah Tuttle
her daughter → Norton Ray Tuttle
her son → Clara Josephine Haight
his daughter → David B. Haight, Apostle, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
her son → <private> Huntsman (Haight)
his daughter → Jon Huntsman
her son