David Nathaniel Lee - Records??

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Private User
Сегодня в 4:47 до полудня

David Nathaniel Lee is currently listed as David Nathaniel Lee, born December 22, 1764
In Manchester, Essex, Mass

It is shown as the Spouse of Susanna Lee who is currently listed as Birth: 1767, Death: 1826

There are no records attached to or referenced on either Profile.

Private User
Сегодня в 8:23 до полудня

Private User - where did you get your info on those two?

Would the David Nathaniel Lee above, that you added, be the same as the Nathaniel Led in the Marriage record for:
Nathaniel Lee of Manchester to Susanna Poland of Ipswich. Dec. 18, 1788

Private User
Сегодня в 8:24 до полудня

*Lee not Led

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