Susana moody - Stage name and true name

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Сегодня в 12:54 до полудня

She was a Shakespearean actress and i am unsure as to what her true name is, as her daughter and son in law who were also actors changed their surname when arriving in America. So it stands to reason she has a stage name and a true name i came to know her as Amy Liddon/litton. but other family research sites show her as Susana moody. Which would make sense since her daughter is also known as Suie/Susia/Susanna Majur. I'm leading toward Susana Moody as the true name but have hit a brick wall and as i said before not entirely sure

Сегодня в 7:16 до полудня

Add every name and spelling variation to the AKA data field, separating each with a comma. This will help the software matching algorithm as well as other researchers who may search manually for one of those other names.

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