Professor Judah Goldin - Name

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  • Private User
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Private User
вчера в 7:14 до полудня

On the 1940 Census he is "Goldin Judah I"

On his marriage record he is listed as "Judah Isak Goldin"

I am returning Isak as his middle name.

Private User
вчера в 7:23 до полудня

Private User - you deleted his middle name, despite the existence of Documentation for it, including in the Timeline.

According to Geni's Terms of Service "you agree that you will not delete Content in the Shared Family Tree except to correct inaccurate or offensive data. Willful destruction of Content in a Shared Family Tree without Geni's written permission is a breach of this Agreement and grounds for termination of your Member account. "

Private User
вчера в 7:26 до полудня

My apologies. It was an error and a mistake. Thank you for correcting, Lois Lubin.

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