Jean Foster Graham (Cowen) - Sources

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Private User
вчера в 9:52 после полудня

Her maiden name is Foster/Forrester if anything, and she had no middle name. (Assuming she exists in reality at all.) "Cowen" arrived out of nowhere a few years ago and gradually proceeded to work its way from being her "middle name" to replacing her original maiden name. How does that happen on a curated profile, without corroborating sources? She was born in ca. 1675. So NC marriage bonds, 1741 - 1868, even if they were readable which they are not here -- can hardly apply, as she would have been at least 60 years old at time of marriage and way too old for having children.

Сегодня в 4:41 до полудня

Private User - there were unresolved data conflicts, which I’ve now resolved. Please always look there first if data doesn’t make sense. I’ve now locked the name fields.

Private User
Сегодня в 4:52 до полудня

Thanks Erica, you're right I didn't look there.

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