Incorrect Profile Information - Suggestion

Начала Debbie Gambrell вчера
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вчера в 9:35 после полудня

I came across this profile while tracing a cousin line. Putting Incorrect Profile Information on it but not correcting it doesn't help anyone trying to trace or connect lines at all. It would be better to either fix whatever is wrong or disconnect what can't be proven. It's impossible for me or others to even know what the problem is supposed to be.

Сегодня в 12:40 до полудня

I tried correcting the situation but was not able to, by the way I can put whatever I please on MY family tree it doesnt have to help you or anyone else because im figuring out my connections, if it bothers you that much just dont connect your tree to mines. At least ask me if I need help correcting it before you start being rude pointing out how you feel. My tree is my tree, im not here to accommodate anyone else. Please dont inbox me with an attitude, I will continue with my research as I as find it helpful. I dont have to prove a connextion to you

Сегодня в 12:40 до полудня

Connection I meant, thats the problem.

Сегодня в 12:43 до полудня

Next time, be mindful of how you approach someone about a situation. Remember everyone is here for researching & putting together their family trees. No one has to prove or do things your way, you cannot police genealogy.

Jamie PRO
Сегодня в 6:39 до полудня

The profile is ok. What's nice about info, you can go back and change when it becomes available. Debbie, your name is not connected.

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