Avraham Aharon Fine - Children

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Private User
Сегодня в 9:16 до полудня

This profile - Avraham Aharon Fine
is currently listed as Avraham Aharon Fine
with 9 children:
Dora (Fine) Samuels;
Batya (Fine) Krapchunski;
Jeny (Fine) Korman;
Rivka Fine;
Sara Fine;
Isaac Fine;
Freida Fine;
Osher Fine and
Mordechai Fine

According to Dora's obit https://www.newspapers.com/clip/107237158/dora-samuels-death-1973/,
Dora was the "sister of Mrs. Jennie Korman of Baltimore, and other sisters in England and South Africa."
They are apparently all in just those two places.
There is no mention of Brothers.

This does not mesh with what we have on Geni.

Private User
Сегодня в 9:30 до полудня

What connects all the children to each other? To these parents?

Both Dora Fine and Jenny Korman are buried in the Riga Kurlander Verein Cemetery in Baltimore.
The info shown for their father Avraham does not suggest any connection to Riga.

Moreover, Jenny's gravestone has her father as [Avraham] and Dora's has him as [Avram Yitzhak]
These might well refer to the same person, and since Dora's obit clearly says they are sisters I assume they do -- but what connects them to someone named Avraham Aharon?

Private User
Сегодня в 2:07 после полудня

Osher Fine has a Photo of a Marriage Record from JewishGen/LitvakSig.
The Record can be found in Lithuania Marriages and Divorces.
The Groom is FAINAS / [FAIN], Osheris / Osher -- Parents: Abramas / Abram and BURGINAITE / [BURGIN], Reize.
That certainly seems to tie Osher to the couple shown as his parents.

There is a Page of Testimony https://yvng.yadvashem.org/nameDetails.html?language=en&itemId=... for Motel Fein, father Avraham Aharon and Mother Reizl - Spouse's Maiden Name: Khana Salanski -- submitter Avraham Fein, his son.
So that seems to document Mordechai Motel Fine

But despite the fact Avraham Fein seems to have submitted Pages of Testimony for over two dozen different individuals, I am not seeing any submissions from him for any siblings of his father.

Private User
Сегодня в 2:08 после полудня

Where did info on the rest of the children come from?

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