Unknown (de Sacerdotibus) Castellazzo - Contemplation

Started by Private User on Sunday, August 28, 2022
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I wonder whether the fact that a daughter of Abram Saceerdotibus married a son of R' Abraham Sachs (an Ashkenazi) implies anything about the origins of the Sacerdotibus family? The earliest reference I have found to the Sacerdotibus family in the Duchy of Milan is from 1485 (see document under Abramo). Later on, after the Phillip II of Spain becomes ruler of Duchy of Milan, both Abramo's son Vitale and grandson Simone become diplomatic agents for Phillip II, and Simone became involved with the immigration process for Sephardim to Piedmont, but does this imply that the family was originally from Aragon or elsewhere in Spain? This is still an active investigation so I appreciate any fact which can be shared on the origins of the Sacerdotibus family.

PS: Here is the father: Abramo Vitale de Sacerdotibus

And here is the father-in-law: Rabbi Avraham Zachshan

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Moshe Sachs Castellazzo
He is my great uncle, and I am the one who set up his profile, where in the profile picture there is information and a reference to a book... it is possible that the book contains information you are looking for

Haim Katz - Hachoen Wartski Thanks for supporting your data. I have reviewed the profile picture and some questions: A) on GENI at the moment there are two identical lines one after the other in this family: 1) אברהם זכ"ש to רבי משה זכ"ש to R' Yechiel Zaks followed immediately by 2)Rabbi Avraham Zachshan to Moshe Sachs Castellazzo to יחיאל Are you sure that the same information is not being duplicated two times here? Maybe you could put some approximate birth years on each of the profiles so that we can know they are different? B) in the profile picture is mentioned Shimeon as the son of Yekhiel, but you did not put Shimeon on the tree under either of the two Yekhiels listed above, may I ask why you omitted Shimeon?

Private User

As far as I was able to check, it is about different people (of course it is the same family: great grandfather, his son, his grandson, and his great-grandson),And I tried to look for more backward information, and I couldn't find any

Okay thanks.

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