Dorothy Eleanor Newkirk (Waterman) - Dorothy Eleanor Newkirk

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Сегодня в 12:59 после полудня

My parents were friends with Dot & Sherm Newkirk back in 1960, my mother was pregnant with me, my father was out of work, the union was on strike. However they met Dot & Sherm helped with feeding my family, in those hard times. Dot made sure that when I was born I had baby clothes and blankets.
My sister got between their dog and another dog and had to have stitches on her face, My mom said their ( Newkirks insurance) paid $150 and my mom was able to buy food and pay rent.
Then came Jan. 4th 1961 and guess who came along ? (me) and guess who I was named after ? Dorothy (Dot) Im so glad it wasn't Sherman lol
I never got to meet these wonderful people in my adult life, as I grew I always heard about Dot and Sherm and how much they helped my family in those hard times.
I know that both Dot & Sherm are no longer with us but I hope their children get to read this and understand how grateful I am
and proud to be Dorothy's namesake
Thank you Dorothy Earhart

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