Rules regarding relatives / regler vedr. slægtninge

Started by Pia Pedersen on Thursday, September 8, 2022
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I have some question regarding rules for relative, and I will write in english and danish ( this because there are some members that can't read english very well, this way they can also add some inputs).

Jeg har nogle spørgsmål vedr. regler for slægtninge, jeg skriver på engels og dansk ( dette fordi der findes nogle medlemmer som ikke læser engelsk så godt, på denne måde kan de også komme med inputs)

My questions:
Are there rules in Geni that specifies when relative are close relative? if so where can I read them?
Are there rules in Geni that specifies when you are entitled to own relatives.?

Mit spørglmål:
Findes der regler på Geni der specificere hvornår slægtninge er tæt slægtninge? hvis de findes hvor kan jeg læse dem?
Findes der regler på Geni der specificere hvornår du har retten til at eje slægtninge?

The last I would do is to "invade" some members private profiles.
Det sidste jeg vil gøre er at mase mig ind i andres private profiler.

I will give an exsample:
I was years ago asked by a currator, to make a projekt regarding the Danish resistans people that was executed, I put a very big job in this, and asked a Danish Currator together with a Geni-partner also to be manager on those profiles in case some other Geni members have something to add something to the profiles. then there were more of us who could be contacted. (also if others wanted to bee added on the profile)
The way I worked was that I alway begun searching if the exact resistant man was on Geni, many of them weren't on Geni, and I started up the profile, and work backwards until I got a match, and he could be adde to the big tree.
I have now discovered that I was taken of this profile and the ones I have made in order to add him to the big tree, accordenly because some mebers didn't agreed that I belong there, due to I was not close relative. the one that cut me off is also (in my oppion) not close. Therefor I'm missing exact rules.

Jeg vil give et eksempel:
Jeg blev for år tilbage bedt af en kurrator om at lave et projekt vedrørende de danske modstandsfolk, der blev henrettet, jeg lagde et meget stort arbejde i dette, og bad en dansk kurrator sammen med en Geni-partner om også at være leder på de profiler i hvis nogle andre Geni-medlemmer har noget at tilføje noget til profilerne. så var vi flere, der kunne kontaktes. (også hvis andre ønskede at blive tilføjet på profilen)
Måden jeg arbejdede på var, at jeg altid begyndte at søge om den nøjagtige resistente mand var på Geni, mange af dem var ikke på Geni, og jeg startede profilen op og arbejdede baglæns, indtil jeg fik et match, og han kunne føjes til det store træ.
Jeg har nu opdaget, at jeg blev taget af denne profil og dem, jeg har lavet for at tilføje ham til det store træ, følgelig fordi nogle medlemmer ikke var enige i, at jeg hører til der, fordi jeg ikke var nær slægtning. den der afskar mig er (efter min mening) heller ikke tæt på.
Så derfor savner jeg præcise regler.

I in that belive that Geni is made to make the tree avalibel for all interested, to explore, to find relative, to find rellative overseas, to add info, to help each writing the history.
buttom line I miss rules the specifices exactly when and why someone can call a profile their own.
Can someone help me finding the rules on this?

Jeg tror på, at Geni er lavet til at gøre træet tilgængeligt for alle interesserede, for at udforske, for at finde slægtninge, for at finde relative i udlandet, for at tilføje info, for at hjælpe hver enkelt med at skrive historien.
buttom line Jeg savner regler de specifikke præcis hvornår og hvorfor nogen kan kalde en profil for deres egen.
Kan nogen hjælpe mig med at finde reglerne for dette?

With warmest regards

Hanne Abel

Dear Pia.
Yes, there are rules at Geni. I hope this can be used.

Link to what family and genus is:

A few years ago I received this response from Mike Stangel. Mike wrote:
“This is why we allow you to remove managers from profiles within your Family Group”.
At the same time, Mike sent guidance on Geni's management rules and the following instructions to remove managers who did not belong in the Family group, managers that were not closely related to the profile and how it could be easily seen, by noticing that the small cross by the manager's name, a cross shows that the manager is not closely related or not related.

By Mike's answer was a link to how I remove the administrators who were not close to the family. Please see below.

Geni Support Team
All manager related functions can be found under the Actions menu on profiles. Simply look for "Manager Options."
For profiles of people closely related to you, you can add yourself as a manager and you can remove managers who are not closely related to that profile, by clicking on the "x" next to their name.

Best regards,
Hanne Abel

Dear Hanne

I have checke those X on my 4x great grandfather
There are a person this that are not close at all, and the er no X to remove her.
Please don't read this like she are not allowed there, I don't mind she are on the profile
But it show's that der maybe are a mistake in the Geni system.

Jeg har tjekket disse X på min 4x oldefar
Der er en person, der slet ikke er tæt på, og der er ingen X til at fjerne hende.
læse ikke dette som om hun ikke er velkommen der, jeg har ikke noget imod at hun er på profilen. Men det viser, at der måske er en fejl i Geni-systemet

I will not mention her name here, but her realtion ship are lige I will not consider this close

XXX is Anders Nielsen Leer's great granddaughter's husband's sister's husband's sister's husband's great uncle's wife's third cousin four times removed's ex-wife.

Jeg vil ikke nævne hendes navn her, men hende vil jeg ikke betragte så tæt på

I also have a following question, just hypotetisk

If my 5x great grandfather have, let's say 8 children
Child number 1 are my 4x great father
Child number 2 are someone else 4x great grandfather
Child number 3 are again someone else 4 x great grandfather
ect. ect.
Will child number 2-7 be considder as my close family, would I even bee allowed to ad my 4x great grandfather siblings to the tree according Geni's rules?

Jeg har også et følgende spørgsmål, blot hypotetisk

Hvis min 5x oldefar har, lad os sige 8 børn
Barn nummer 1 er min 4x store far
Barn nummer 2 er en andens 4x oldefar
Barn nummer 3 er igen en andens 4 x oldefar
ect. ect.
Vil barn nummer 2-7 blive betragtet som min nære familie, vil de være legalt at tilføje min 4x oldefars søskende til træet ifølge Genis regler?

Med venlig hilsen

I have x's on my third great grandfather, I do not know what that is in danish regarding "tip".

Hej Susanna.

In Denmark e are add one "tip" in fornt of our great grandfather, and and on great great grandfather it is " tip tip" grandfater

my father's father is my grandfather, his father is my great grandfather, and his father is my "tip" grand father, and his father is my "tip tip" great grandfather, and so we just add "tip" for each generation.

in danish it it like this
tip oldefar
tip tip oldefar
tip tip tip oldefar

I hope it make sense :-)

I have checked those X on my 4x great grandfather, were you can delete a manager on a profile
There are a person this that are not close at all, and the er no X to remove her.
Please don't read this like she is not allowed on my 4x great father, I don't mind she are on the profile
But it show's that there maybe are a mistake in the Geni system.

I will not mention her name here, but her realtion ship are not what I will consider close
I have delete her name and put XXX instead,

XXX is Anders Nielsen Leer's great granddaughter's husband's sister's husband's sister's husband's great uncle's wife's third cousin four times removed's ex-wife.

Therefor it can be difficult to judge, who are close relative and who are not, I don't think we can use the rules that if the er a X they are not close in every cases.

I hoep it make sense :-)

With best regards Pia


Your 4x great grandfather is 5 steps away from you. Geni's definition of close relatives is 4th cousins or closer. A 4x great grandfather is shared with your 5th cousins.

Jonathan Scott Krengel and Pia Pedersen
Yes, that is my thought also, a 4th great grandfather is too far away to be close at Geni.
Pia, check for manager-x on (or if you can add yourself to the profile of) your third great grandfathers or 4th cousins.

Dear Jonathan and Susanna

in english ways, are 4th cousins my 4th great grandfather siblings??
Sorry I have to ask in order to understand :-)

In Denmark cousins are my father / mothers siblings kids.
When those kids har children we do not really have a "name" for those
if we are using anything, it will be grand cousins to my kids.

With best regards

Here is a great resource for understanding the cousin levels:

Dear Jonathan

That was really helpful, and so easy to read. :-)

Thank you very much, and wish you a nice weekend..

Best regads from Pia

The way I think is easy --
1st cousins have parents who are siblings ie up 1 generation to sibling pair.
2nd cousins have grandparents who are siblings - ie up 2 generations to the sibling pair
3rd cousins have great grandparents who are cousins - ie up 3 generatins to sibling pair

Nth cousins go up N generations to the sibling pair

If you do not go up the same number of generations from each to get to the sibling pair, then you have removeds.

It works out the same as in Jonathan's link.

Max Family is a Geni Term, and is basically out to 4th cousins, back to 3rd great grandparents, and current spouse of each. It is what Geni means when it says "close relative" It is default and Maxiimum range you can choose for your Family Group.

On Geni, you can add yourself as a Manager to any Profile in your Max Family who is not also a Geni user
AND - for any profile in your Max Family, you can remove any Manager of it who is not also in that profile's Max Family.

HOWEVER on Geni, Managers have no special rights to decide what is on a Profile.
If a Profile is Public (and connected to the World Tree) everyone has an equal right to edit it.
-- what matters is accuracy, and information should be documented

Despite this, there are times I care about relations and think others should -- for example, if the profile is an active Geni user's mother and they have set her first name as Betty, I would consider it extremely rude for anyone not as close a relative to go and change it to Betsy or Elizabeth or etc.

4th great grandfather is too far back to be in one's Max Family on Geni, so you will not have the opportunity to remove managers from them.

Thank you Private User

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