Teofil Smigielski - Teofil Smigielski, 12-19-1904 to 2-26 1974

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Teofil was born in Lowell Massachusetts in 1904. When the family moved to Korona Fl. in 1917/18, Teofil, Charles, Viola and the oldest son Stanley accompanied their parents Ludwig and Catherine. A little later Stanley returned to Lowell to continue supporting the family by working in the textile mill, Viola also returned, she just could not adjust to the pioneering life of the swamps of Florida, she also met her soon to be husband on the ship back to Mass., Robert Washburn. Teofil returned to work around the docks later becoming a merchant marine a vocation he had until his retirement. On a visit home he married Sophie Novak, a marriage that lasted only a few months until he shipped out. Later after his brother Charles returned home from WWII, he married the than divorced Sophie, they had grown up together, went to the same little Catholic church. Charles and Sophie had 2 children Lewis and Carol Jean ( myself).

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