Removing, as his children - pending the provision of primary sources: Anna Maria Mentje Anna Dorothea Meintjes Miggel van den Berg
Firstly, I was not the user who added the title of graaf to this profile, and it appears to me that it has been gleaned from https://www.genealogieonline.nl/stamboom-de-groot-en-jansen/I514153... . At the time when I took over curatorship from Judi I took the information on the profile at face value, knowing Judi's track record of meticulousness.
Secondly, having now looked at the actual history of the profile and the era, I have discovered from Van der Eyk, P, & Vygh, D., Vaderlansche Cronyk of Jaarboek van Holland; Zeeland; en Friesland (published Amsterdam, 1784, publisher: Jacobus van der Burgh & Zoon) that there were bitter political contention and physical feud (to the death!) for the positions of graaf/hertog at the time in the Bergh and adjoining earldoms. The king (and especially the queens) of Holland and in the greater Holy Roman Empire (as it was then) each had their factions and therefore favourites. The graaf, therefore, had by then ceased to be a hereditary title or rank, having been replaced by appointment status by the king (or queen, as the case may be).
In the light of Van der Eyk & Vygh, I agree with Phillipp that it would have been impossible for an emigrant from Zeeland to the Cape to have been the graaf of any Zeelandic earldom, and that the information on genealogieonline.nl was probably based on a romanticisation/elevation of the person. I haven't researched his children as yet.
Herman Booysen - limited activity after surgery you were not Curating this profile at all. If you want to Curate it, you're very welcome to.
C.E. Hulstaert, "Jacobus van den Berg uit Breskens", JACOBUS VAN DEN BERG UIT BRESKENS EN ZIJN AFSTAMMING
Volgens het Geslagsregister van die ou Kaapse families huwt Jacobus van den Berg uit Breskens in Zeeland op 8.10.1700 met Jacomina Carteniers uit Oudenaarde in Vlaanderen. Raadpleging van het doopboek van Breskens bracht aan het licht dat Jacobus de zoon is van Claes van den Berge en Lijsebeth Lowijs. In het lidmatenboek van Breskens vinden we in de lijst van 4 april 1671: Niclaes van den Berge en Lijsebeth Lowijs met attest. van St. Anna ter Muyden. Sint Anna ter Muiden is een dorpje in Zeeuws-Vlaanderen in de buurt van Sluis dicht tegen de Belgische grens. In de doop-, trouw-, en lidmatenboeken van dit dorpje is evenwel geen spoor van het echtpaar terug te vinden.
Het echtpaar Claes van den Berge en Lijsebeth Lowijs laat te Breskens twee kinderen dopen: 1. Janneken op 17 augustus 1672, getuigen Antoonij Boone en Kommertje Willems 2. Jakob op 11 augustus 1673, getuigen Pieter Sael en Elena Verhulst. - quoted by Delia http://www.e-family.co.za/ffy/g6/p6813.htm