Graf von Hoya Heinrich von Stumpenhusen (N. from Frisia) - Profiili ristiriidassa lähdetietojen kanssa

Started by Private User on Wednesday, September 28, 2022
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"The brothers Heinrich and Burchard von Stumpenhusen sold their goods as well as seals and coats of arms to the up-and-coming Counts of Hoya in 1202 . It is often assumed that Heinrich von Stumpenhusen is identical with Heinrich I. von Hoya. However, this was the son of a noble from Friesland, and both were buried in different churches. With Burchard, the family died out in 1231."

Tämä lukee ihan yleistietojen lähdetiedoissa. Käännän vielä suomeksi:
Veljekset, Heinrich sekä Burchard von Stumpenhusen myivät omaisuutensa ja vaakunansa tuleville Hoyan kreiveille vuonna 1202. Usein oletetaan Heinrich von Stumpenhusen ja Heinrich I. von Hoyan olleen sama henkilö. Jälkimmäinen oli kuitenkin friisiläisen aatelisen poika ja molemmat haudattiin eri kirkkoihin. Burchardin jälkeen (Stumpenhusen) suku sammui vuonna 1231.

Vielä saksaksi yleistiedoista kopioitu:

"Kaufte 1202 Titel, Wappen, Güter von Burchard und Heinrich von Stumpenhusen, ist mit der Familie allerdings nicht verwandt"

Tiivistettynä: Wedekind von Stumpenhusen sekä Christine von Oldenburg eivät voi olla Heinrich I. von Hoyan vanhempia. Jos on uutta tietoa, se kannattaa päivittää lähteisiin.

Hello ,i have order a YDNA 111 Test,we will see fror the results.,

Soon it will be there.

Regards ;RoyHuijer.

Graf von Hoya Heinrich von Stumpenhusen is my 18th great grandfather.
→ Elza Dzelvite (Grahpe,Grāpe)
your mother → Jahn Grahpe
her father → Baron Arnold Julius von Vietinghoff-Riesch
his father → Juliane Charlotte Lulla von Vietinghoff
his mother → Helene Gertrude von Krüdener
her mother → Gustav Georg von Völckersahm
her father → Sophia Elisabeth von Mengden
his mother → ObtLt., Frhr Magnus Gustav von Mengden, von Altenwoga
her father → Gustav v. Mengden Frhr. v. Altenwoga
his father → Gertrud von Mengden Frfr. von Altenwoga
his mother → Jürgen von Rosen
her father → Kersten von Rosen
his father → Kersten III von Rosen auf Hochenrosen
his father → Jürgen l von Rosen
his father → N.N. von Tiesenhausen
his mother → Bartholomeus von Tiesenhausen, of Kokenhausen
her father → Johann von Tiesenhausen
his father → Princess Sofia von Hoya, a Princess of Polotsk and Countess of Hoya
his mother → Bernardus von Hoya
her father → Graf von Hoya Heinrich von Stumpenhusen
his father

@Roy Huijer

Hi! I'll be very interested to know the result. :)


Hi ,dear Mirva,now they are working on it ,,they will trace my father to father bloodline DNA Y III Test,.

From FamilyTree DNA wish us good,luck .

Iam very happy youre,intersted.

Lets wait for results.

The best ;RoyHuijer.

Heinrich I von Hoya is my diretly 19th Great Grandfather.

Graf von Hoya iHeinrich von Stumpenhusen is my 21st great garandfather.

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