Kirchdorf Lutheran Cemetery, Wartburg, KZN, South Africa - unknown graves - can you help?

Начала Ilma Lucht среда, 12 октября 2022
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12.10.2022 в 3:32 до полудня

Good day!

I hope someone might be able to assist with the following individuals, they could possibly have died as infants and could help solve some of the unknown graves. Any further information would be of great help.

Sophie Catherine Olga Meyer - born 06.09.1890 parents Heinrich Wilhelm Ludwig Meyer & Mathilde Riebeseel
Ernst Franz Wilhelm Makkink - born 13.10.1898 parents Andries Gradus Makkink & Auguste Olmesdahl
Gustav Johann Heinrich Buhrman - born 11.07.1891 parents Heinrich Friedrich Wilhelm Buhrman & Martha Timm
Wilhelm Johannes Heinrich Rösner - born 19.02.1914 parents Paul Rösner & Marie Bratz-Teshner
The above information is based on baptism records from the Kirchdorf Lutheran Church in Wartburg KZN South Africa.

I have tried searching on Family Search, Gendatabase, Genwebshop & Eggsa and on

I am also trying to locate the names and dates of possible individuals buried in the Kirchdorf Lutheran Cemetery - all known graves have been photographed and uploaded to the eggsa website - The unknown grave images will be included in due course, they have been photographed just waiting for them to be uploaded to the website.

C2_Unknown Child (Died between 1908-1910
C9_Stillborn Child (Died between 1914-1928 (Stillborn was indicated on an old cemetery plan)
E1_Unknown Child (Died between 1897-1918
E2_Unknown Child (Died between 1897-1918
E3_Unknown Child (Died between 1897-1918
E7_Unknown Child (Died between 1894-1903
F8_Unknown Adult (died between 1897-1947

If you know of anyone who may have been buried in this cemetery who could possibly be one of the missing individuals please could you let me know so that I can update the records.

Kind regards and thanks
Ilma Lucht

I have also posted this request on the Facebook Groups - Geneology in South Africa & Friend Search and also South African Geneology

Сегодня в 6:29 до полудня

UPDATE (24.10.2022) - Ernst Franz Wilhelm Makkink - found and solved! Thank you!

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