Merging a relative into a copy in with an owner inactive for 8 years.

Started by Cecilie Nygård on yesterday
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    Geni member
yesterday at 5:44 AM

To day I wanted to merge my husbands cousin's family in a tree there the owner has not been active since 2014. Private I am unable to merge so i sent a message that the owner was inactive. In answer I got the message that there was no one to transfer the profiles to. So still I am unable to merge. I thought I should not have to copy the family. I would like to get the tree. merged.

I had the same problem earlier this day in an anther family were I found several connection to a niece's family in law. And there I do not understand at all because I am personal related my self though both my mothers parents and my father mother to her parents in law. And even my husband is related too her husband. There I tried to merge his father to my copy (I added her father in law and than tried to merge. Unable (the owner has got a merge request. So I found an other relative.His great great grandfather. there wer no wife og desendants to the profile. I tried to merge. I am unable even thouggh the desendants are related to me severale ways. And the manager i a Curathor Harald Tveit Alvestrand. His connection to Birger Olaf Gustavsen is this: Harald Tveit Alvestrand is Birger Olaf Gustavsen's first cousin's husband's brother's wife's niece's husband's first cousin once removed's husband's first cousin twice removed.
Birger Olaf Gustavsen

 → Martinius Gustavsen

his father → Gunda Marie Kjelland
his sister → Martha Ingvaldsen
her daughter → Olav Ingvaldsen
her husband → Elias Ingvaldsen
his brother → Brita Borghild Ingvaldsen
his wife → Elisebet Marie Aukland
her sister → Tove Seldal
her daughter → Egil Seldal
her husband → Anna Skretting
his mother → Erik Nilson Skretting
her father → Tønnes Nilson Skretting
his brother → Borghild Hognestad
his daughter → Einar Hognestad
her husband → Hans Hansson Hognestad
his father → Peter Hansson Hognestad
his brother → Arne Hognestad
his son → Berit Tveit
his daughter → Harald Tveit Alvestrand
her son

My connection is this before the merges done:Birger Olaf Gustavsen is your second great aunt's sister's husband's first cousin twice removed.

 → Solveig Skjeie Eliasson

your mother → Holger Jørgenson Skjeie
her father → Jørgen Bjørnsen Helgeland Skeie
his father → Torjuls Bjørnson Rødne
his brother → Severine Simensdatter Skartsæter
his wife → Klara Oleane Simensdatter Drager
her sister → Johan Petter Martinsen Gran
her husband → Martin Jacobsen Gaarderstuen
his father → Marte Jacobsdatter Riise
his sister → Gustav Evensen
her son → Martinius Gustavsen
his son → Birger Olaf Gustavsen
his son

I can't add Birgers Wife and his child/children and draw the line together it to my niece's husband.

I do understand that many can find it difficult that I am connected so many places - but should they be able to shot me out even though? Or am I excluded og bloced by anyone. I do belieav that Per Ola hav bllocked me because many fo my iles in Nordfjord have deen disconnected by him earlier - but Haral Tveit Alvestad I cannot understand. I do not add any profiles if not to connect another family line. It happens though that there are maid duplicates because we have different sources of spelling a name.

Should it be so difficult to add relatives together?

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