Thomasine Glover (Hand) - Ancestry of Thomasine Glover (Hand) -- sources? Like, real sources?

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I'm starting the discussion from this profile because this is the earliest that looks solid to me.

My issues:

There is no such person as "Sir Thomas Hand," as far as I can tell. Thomas Hand is a perfectly decent name and I've got no problems with it, but I doubt the "Sir" part deeply. Sources? And if you go up and look at his father, his father is, supposedly, the son of Margaret Beaufort, according to the Overview. No. He is not. And the evidence, as given in the Overview, is from family web trees and unsourced pages.

Thomas's grandmother is, in our charting, a Stradling -- the daughter of Edward Stradling and Joan Beaufort (there's your real Beaufort) but I can't find any evidence that they had a daughter named Margaret. Also I doubt that a Stradling would have married a Hand, unless they were actually lords and ladies, which I don't think so. Sources?

Back to Sir Thomas Hand. He is at present married to Lady Agnes de Kent. Right. Well, Lady Agnes is here the daughter of Richard de Kent, who, until this morning, was married to a time travelling duplicate of Berthe de Aldeberge, who really did exist but 1000 years earlier -- I detached her. Worryingly, there was LOTS of evidence for her existence, but all of it was, naturally, from family web trees.

As we have it now, Richard de Kent was the son of Richard de Kent and Mary Giffard. Mary is here the daughter of John Giffard and Alice Ugworthy, and they did exist, no kidding, but though I can find them on Stirnet, they have no daughter named Mary. Sources?

Thomasine is married to Sir Thomas Glover. There was a Thomas Glover married to a Thomasine, though her maiden name doesn't appear in his will, but he wasn't a Sir. (There was indeed a Sir Thomas Glover, but he lived over a hundred years later.)


Thomasine may have been a Hand, but the lines above her are problematic; she was married to Thomas Glover, but he wasn't a Sir --


Perhaps there are actual pieces of evidence for some of these connections!

That would be lovely.

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