I was born in 1961 a Svedlund

Начала Susan Svedlund сегодня
Сегодня в 11:39 до полудня

I was born in 1961 in Queens, N.Y., Flushing County. Booth Memorial hospital.
My birth name given was Susan Svedlund.

I've since learned that Mother's name was Vivienne. This could be her middle name, since I can't seem to find her on the search engines?

I hoping someone out there might know something that could help me locate any siblings and of my birth Mother!

I know she was studying to become a dental hygienist.its very possible since she was nineteen when she had me, that she kept it a secret from any future husband and/or family. She was born in 1942 and had whooping cough as a child. She was born in Sundsvall, Sweden. She came to the states when she was around 13-14yrs old. My grandmother was diagnosed with gastrional intestinal cancer and probably passed in late 40's early 50's.

This is all I know, if anyone knows anything or has perhaps information that might help me in locating her. I would truly appreciate it!

Thank you in advance and God Bless.
God Jul

Elin Astri Stuart
Sunny California

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