If you have multiple accounts you can contact Geni about it and ask them to help you.
See https://help.geni.com/hc/en-us/articles/229706267-How-do-I-contact-...
If you have - or have used in the past - a different email, you might try putting it in the Search Box in the upper right.
If Geni has a Profile associated with an email, entering it in the Search Box will pull it up.
If you still have access to that email but do not recall what password you used, you should be okay- find how to say forgot password, look for response..
If you do not have access but do know what password ypu used, you are also fine - just enter both to log in.
Log out of one you are in now of course, before trying either.
Paying for membership will not make a difference in which profiles you can see.
Nor will not paying.
Are Berta Zekic Belson
and Private User
Both profiles of you?
Click on the second - then click Actions and then Ancestor Report - are those your Ancestors?