Coennen Family Optimal Health Project - 250 pounds and counting!

Started by Private User on Wednesday, January 13, 2010
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  • Private User
    Geni member
Private User
1/13/2010 at 11:58 AM

For over a decade I've been trying, without success, to get my family to eat right and lose weight.

When my brother, Dan, was at the peak of his liver disease, he weighed 260 lbs. After he gets out of the hospital in July of 2008 with his new liver, he was at a healthy weight of 165. Meanwhile Sarah had put on lots of weight from the stress.

A year later, Dan gained back almost all the weight, and was at 240 back in September this year. And Sarah was still holding on to all the extra weight and is on five meds for high blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol, etc.

I saw them that month and they said they were starting this new program called Take Shape For Life and Medifast to lose weight and they really loved it, seeing some results right away. They went back to Maui and every week when I spoke to them, it was another 7-10 pounds they had dropped and when I saw them in November, December and just this weekend, I am completely blown away.

Dan has lost 60 pounds, Sarah over 55. His daughter Sabrina has lost 80 pounds and his other daughter Kim has lost 50. Sarah's doctor has taken her off two of the five meds and will probably be off another this month, and her knees don't hurt anymore.

They all love the food, feel full and get great support from their coach. They are learning how to eat right and are off sugar completely. And they are a walking advertisement, signing people up like crazy. Sabrina, in Vegas, just joined to lose weight, but so many people wanted to know how she did it, she is now a coach and has eight people signing up to lose weight with her help.

I became a coach because I am just so amazed and happy about the results my VERY overweight family are seeing and all the positive changes in their lives. Our coaching site is

Check out the link 'The TSFL Program' and 'Getting Started' for some details and call me if you have any questions. It's a real simple, no brainer program for busy people that are ready to make a change.

Add FREE support and coaching and it seems to work, at least for my family.

This program works, it's simple, and will save you time and money. It could make you money too. Seriously.

Check out the website and give us a call.

Happy, Healthy and Wealthy 2010
Aloha Dave & Chela

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