Agatha DE FERRERS was born Abt 1234 in of Derbyshire, England, and died 22 May 1306 in England. She was the daughter of William DE FERRERS and Sibyl MARSHALL
She married Hugh DE MORTIMER, son of Ralph, Lord Mortimer and Gladuse, daughter of Llewellyn Prince of Wales.
HUGH Mortimer of Chelmarsh (-before Jun 1273, bur Wigmore) Sheriff of Shropshire and Staffordshire m (after 26 May 1250) AGATHA de Ferrers, daughter of WILLIAM de Ferrers Earl of Derby & his first wife Sibyl Marshal (-21 May 1306
Hugh and his wife had two children
i JOHN Mortimer The Chronicle of Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire names "Johannes de Mortimer" who died childless and "Henricus Mortymer" as the children of "Hugoni de Mortuomari domino de Chelmershe and his wife[336]
ii HENRY Mortimer (-Oct 1317) The Chronicle of Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire names "Johannes de Mortimer" who died childless and "Henricus Mortymer" as the children of "Hugoni de Mortuomari domino de Chelmershe and his wife (and records three generations of Henry descendants)[337 m CONSTANCE, daughter of --- (-after 1318) Their descendants are shown by Eyton[338
From page 39 of Antiquities of Shropshire, Volume 3 By Robert William Eyton
Ralph de Mortimer had by his wife, Gladuse, daughter of Llewellyn Prince of Wales, several sons, of whom I only mention here Roger, the eldest, and Hugh. Chelmarsh, as usual, became the Appanage 0f the younger son, Hugh,6 but did not, as in former instances, revert again to the Suzerain, for Hugh transmitted it to his descendants. Of him and them I am now to speak, as constituting that line of Mortimer of Chelmarsh which, though hardly of Baronial Rank, was of an importance very proximate.
The Manor of Chelmarsh was not the only benefit said to have been conferred by Ralph de Mortimer on his son Hugh. He is also alleged to have procured from Eudo la Zouche, unto whom the King had granted it, the marriage of Agatha de Ferrers, and thereupon to have wedded her to his said Son.7 _
Agatha de Ferrers was the youngest of seven daughters born to that William Earl Ferrers who died in 1254., by his first wife Sibil, sister and, in her issue, Coheir of Anselm, last Earl Marshal of his line.
Agatha, being Coheiress of her Mother, was entitled to a proportion of her said Mothers estate, that is, to a seventh part of a fifth share of the Honour of Marshal Earl of Pembroke. Being a Coheiress to this extent, her marriage was at the disposal of the King; but in 36 Hen. III (1251-2) her Father, William Earl Ferrers, obtained from the Crown the Custody of his daughter Agatha, on condition that she should not marry without the Kingslicense.8
Now, whereas Ralph Lord Mortimer died in 1246, it is obvious that his son Hughs marriage with Agatha de Ferrers was not by the Fathers procurement.
In July 1253, Eudo la Zouche proffered to the King a fine of 150 merks to have the marriage of Agatha de Ferrers, if the Earl her Father would consent to such marriage. His Fine was accepted but if Eudo should not eventually have the said marriage nor the value thereof the whole debt of 100 was to be remitted.9
It would appear from the Patent Rolls of a following year (1255) that she then married Hugh de Mortimer of Chelmarsh.10
Hugh, like his elder Brother Roger, was steady in the Royal cause in 1265. In 1266, attending the King at the famous siege of Kenilworth, and losing his horse in that service, the King, in compensation, excuses a debt of 40 merks which his faithful and beloved Hugh de Mortimer and Agatha, Coheir of the Earls Marshal, wife of the said Hugh, owed to the Crown in respect of the debts of the said Earls.ll
Hughs Successor in estate was his own second Son, Henry, for his elder Son, John, appears to have died before his Father and without issue. But Agatha de Ferrers, Hughs Widow, long survived him. Under name of Agatha de Mortimer, she had summons to send her service for the Muster against Lewelin, which was to take place at Worcester on July 1, 1277 .19
In 1284, the Sheriff of Shropshire returned Agatha de Mortimer as still owing to the Crown 3. sum of 31. 6s. 812d, being on account of her share of the inheritance of the Earl Marshal, which had previously been assessed upon her in the accounts of the Sheriff of Herefordshire.20
As holding lands in Dorsetshire and Somersetshire to the annual value of 40. and upwards, she was included in the military summons of 1300, when Muster was to be at Carlisle, on June 24, against the Scots.21
On July 12, 1306, the KingS Writ of Diem clausil ewlremum issued on the decease of Agatha de Mortimer. Her estates lay in Bedfordshire, Dorsetshire, and in Ireland. Henry de Mortimer, her son and heir, was on one Inquest stated to be upwards of 30, on two other Inquests to be 40 years of age.22
1234 |
Ferrars, Derbyshire, England
1255 |
1306 |
May 22, 1306
Age 72
1925 |
June 2, 1925
Age 72
June 2, 1925
Age 72
1926 |
October 13, 1926
Age 72
October 13, 1926
Age 72
1967 |
April 9, 1967
Age 72