Historical records matching Agnes George
Immediate Family
About Agnes George
DEATH OF MRS. GEORGE Mrs. Ethmer George Passed Away After Serious Operation. Mrs. Ethmer George, aged 22, died this morning at 2 o'clock at a local hospital, following two serious operations, and a six weeks' illness. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the Johnson funeral parlors, burial in the Eastside cemetery. Mrs. George, who was Miss Agnes Bennett, daughter of Mrs. Ada Bennett, of 415 Fifth avenue east, previous to her marriage eleven months ago, was born here in 1900, but soon after moved with her parents to Denver, Colo., later living in Mt. Morrison and Pueblo, Colo., moving here only a few years ago. She is survived by her husband and four brothers and two sisters. One of the brothers. Clyde, is in the army, and until three days ago was stationed at Angel Island, Calif., when he left for the Philippine islands, and is now at sea. The other brothers are Mert, James and Howard, and the sisters are Hazel and Florence, all of this city.
"Mrs. Ethmer George." The Hutchinson News: Hutchinson, Reno, Kansas. Friday, March 10, 1922; Page Eight.
Agnes George's Timeline
1900 |
January 26, 1900
Hutchinson, Reno County, Kansas, United States
1922 |
March 10, 1922
Age 22
Hutchinson, Reno County, Kansas, United States
???? |
Hutchinson East Side Cemetery, Hutchinson, Reno County, Kansas, United States