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Alexandru Cornea of Moldavia

Псевдоним: "Alexandru III", "the Evil"
Дата рождения:
Смерть: 1541 (50-52)
Ближайшие родственники:

Сын Bogdan Cel chior Musat и (Нет имени)
Брат Stephen IV Bogdan
Неполнородный брат Alexandru Lapusneanu, Voivode of Moldavia

Менеджер: Private User
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About Alexandru Cornea of Moldavia


Alexandru Cornea (1490 – 5 March 1541), known as the Evil (Romanian: cel Rău) and scarcely numbered Alexandru III, was the Prince of Moldavia from 1540 to 1541, from the House of Bogdan-Muşat. He succeeded to the throne as son of a previous ruler, Bogdan III cel Chior.

De ce au fost botezaţi „cei răi“ domnitorii Alexandru al III-lea şi Mihnea Vodă. Istoric: Decapitau boieri, dar nu întotdeauna justificat


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Хронология Alexandru Cornea of Moldavia