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Alter Goldberg (Geisinger)

Дата рождения:
Смерть: 1940 (79-88)
New York, New York, United States (США)
Ближайшие родственники:

Сын Charles Geisinger и Freda Geisinger
Муж Gussie Goldberg
Отец Charles Goldberg
Брат Esther Rossman (Geisinger); David Geisinger; Pearl Odets; Nettie Lubner; Willie Geisimger и ещё 2
Неполнородный брат Anna Markowitz; Brane Geisinger и Abraham Geisinger

Менеджер: Brian Baskin
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About Alter Goldberg

According to his niece Freda Rossman: Alter changed his name to Goldberg. He wanted to evade military service in Austria. He owned a restaurant - a (sawdust?) steak house. He never drank water. He had a wine cellar. He didn't allow Freda to drink water or use the bathroom in his restaurant. He lived to be 84.

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Хронология Alter Goldberg

Возраст 84
New York, New York, United States (США)