Andrew Ernest McLeod

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Andrew Ernest McLeod

Дата рождения:
Место рождения: Castle Forbes Bay, Tasmania, Australia (Австралия)
Смерть: 21 марта 1908 (23)
Sandfly, Tasmania, Australia (Австралия) (Accidental Death Collecting wood )
Ближайшие родственники:

Сын Thomas McLeod и Jane Lumsden
Брат Thomas Rodrick Andrew McLeod; Albert John McLeod; Ann Catherine McLeod и Emily Annie Hannah McLeod
Неполнородный брат Alice May McLeod; Lily Jane Mary McLeod; Rose Millicent McLeod; Andrew Henry McLeod; Olive Clara McLeod и ещё 1

Менеджер: Private User
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About Andrew Ernest McLeod

n: FOURTH EDITION ACClDENT AT SANDFLY, TWO TRUCKS LEAVE THE LINE. A YOUNG MAN KILLED. ANOTHER INJURED. HOW IT HAPPENED. The accident that occurred at Sandfly on Saturday resulted in the death of a man named Andrew McLeod, while a guard named William Lawson had his hand severely crushed. The particulars available before to-day here been but megre. It was reported that McLeod and Lawson were trucking on the Sandfly Coal Company's line.

The truck got out of oontrol, and when passing over  a bridge a truck left the rails and the occupants were thrown out. Lawson, who was broogbt to tbe Hobart Hospital, provided a representative of this paper with farther toformeiioo He said that be and McLeod were fetching timber down the Sandfly Colliery Company's Line for Messrs Oats end O'Halloran, timber oontractors. The accident happened at the second bridge below the six mile water tank
They were running two trucks, Lawson being in the front one and MCLeod  in the other. When nearing the bridge the trucks got out of control, and the brakes when applied did not check the speed; either falling to grip properly or the wheels skidded. There was a bend at the bridge, and when this was reached Lawson's  truck Left the line. The track landed underneath the bridge and Lawson was thrown on to the bank of the oreek. The other truck partly left tbe line, and McLeod Was pitched to the other side of the creek. further than that, Lawson knows nothing. When he was pioked up by the line driver be heard that MCLeod had been  killed. At tbe time of tbe accldent the trucks were not attached to the engine.

Beneath tbe bridge there are a large quantity of boulders, and It Is probable that MCLeod, who fell on the opposite side of the bridge to Lawson, struck one of these. It was somewhat mamllous that Lawson was not himself killed. As it was he was rather painfully injured.

his hand was crushed and Ihe top of his little finger was taken off. His hip was damaged, while he sustalned numerous bruising. He was attended to on arrival at the hospital, and is making satisfactory progress towards recovery Andrew MCLeod waa between 21 and 22 years of age, and it is believed he belonged to either Geeveston or Franklin.
Tasmanian News (Hobart, Tas. : 1883 - 1911)  Tue 24 Mar 1908 

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Хронология Andrew Ernest McLeod

27 сентября 1884
Castle Forbes Bay, Tasmania, Australia (Австралия)
21 марта 1908
Возраст 23
Sandfly, Tasmania, Australia (Австралия)