Cecily de Muschamp

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Cecily de Muschamp

Death: before September 16, 1251
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Robert de Muschamp, 4th of Wooler and Isabel de Muschamp
Wife of ? de Ford
Mother of Isabel de Ford
Sister of Marjory de Muschamp and Isabel de Muschamp

Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Cecily de Muschamp


Evidence from Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem

[16 September 1250]: Robert de Muscampis alias de Muschaump. Writ 16 Sept. [? 34] Hen. III (fragment). (undated and defective) He had three daughters of whom he married Cecily, the eldest, to a son of Sir Odenel de la Ford, who of her begat one Isabel who survives, he and his wife being dead. The said Isabel, who is 15, is married to a boy named Adam de Wyginton, age 13 or 14, and they are in the wardship of Sir William de Huntercumbe. Margery, the second daughter, . . . . . aged 24 . . . . . The third daughter, . . . . . age 20 (?) . . . . . married . . . . . are his heirs. [Extent Given] . . . . . C. Hen. III. File 10. (18.) Inquisitions I: 202

Published Sources

Calendar of inquisitions post mortem and other analogous documents preserved in the Public Record Office. Vol. I. Henry III. (HMSO., London, 1904), 432 pp. including indexes

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