Claud Hamilton Hamilton, 12th of Barns & Cochno , J.P.

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Claud Hamilton Hamilton (Brown)

Дата рождения:
Место рождения: Glasgow, Scotland (Соединённое Королевство)
Смерть: 30 августа 1900 (77)
Dunmore Park House, St Andrew's Drive, Dunmore, Stirlingshire, FK2 8LP, Scotland (Соединённое Королевство)
Ближайшие родственники:

Сын Archibald Brown, Merchant of Glasgow и Grace Brown
Муж Henrietta Anne Bruce и Eleanor Margaret Walters
Отец Lieut. Claud Archibald Hamilton, 13th of Barns & Cochno,J.P.; Robert Bruce Hamilton; Nora Jane Bruce Hamilton; Grace Hamilton; Jane Hamilton и ещё 1

Менеджер: <private> Leitch
Последнее обновление:

About Claud Hamilton Hamilton, 12th of Barns & Cochno , J.P.

From Scotland's People: Old Parish Registers - Births and Baptisms NOTE: can only find 2 children

  • 10 April 1823 birth or baptism of Claud Hamilton Brown, son of Archibald Brown and Grace Hamilton [child 2], in the parish of Glasgow

From Scotland's People: Deaths

1900 death of Claud Hamilton Hamilton, [birth surname] Brown, [Mother's maiden name] Hamilton, aged 77 [born about 1823], registered district: Airth

From British Newspaper Archive: The Queen Saturday, 8 September 1900 Page 36 Deaths

Deaths: Hamilton. — On Thursday, 30 August 1900 [ult.], at his residence, Dunmore Park, Stirlingshire, Claude Hamilton Hamilton, of Barns and Cochna, J.P., D.L., in the seventy-eighth year of his age.

From British Newspaper Archive: Falkirk Herald Wednesday, 5 September 1900 Page 4 The late Mr Claud Hamilton of Dunmore.

It is the deepest regret that we chronicle the death of Claud Hamilton of Dunmore Park, Stirlingshire, and of Barns and Cochna, Dumbartonshire which took place at Dunmore Park on Thursday morning, 30 August 1900. The deceased gentleman, who was 78 years of age, had been in failing health for some months past. Quite recently he caught a chill, which developed into inflammation of the lungs. His illness assumed a serious character on Saturday last, 25 August 1900, since which day he had been entirely confined to his room. Dr Cribbes, his Medical attendant, found it necessary to consult with two Edinburgh medical specialists, and although every possible effort was made to successfully grapple with the disease, Mr Hamilton gradually sank. The day before his death he lapsed into state of unconsciousness, and passed peacefully away at half-past eight o'clock on Thursday morning.

The late Mr Claud Hamilton was a son of Mr Archibald Brown, merchant, Glasgow, and his mother was Miss Grace Hamilton, daughter of Captain Claud Hamilton, of the 54th Regiment, and Major of the Dumfriesshire and Lanarkshire Fencible Cavalry. His early life was spent in commercial pursuits in India. He was connected with the firm of Jardine, Skinner and Company, Calcutta, India, merchants, and he was there during the mutiny. He early showed those keen business instincts which have characterised him all through life, and was remarkably successful in business, amassing a considerable fortune.

He married, in 1862, [Elso Norah?] [Eleanor?] Margaret Walters, daughter of Mr Henry Walters of Bath-Easton, Bath. The union was of brief duration, his wife dying in 1870. One daughter (now Mrs Ferguson Buchanan of Auchentorlie, Dumbartonshire) was born of the marriage.

He left India between 1862 and 1870. He married in 1874 the Honourable Henrietta Bruce, a sister of Lord Balfour of Burleigh. He leased the estate of Preston Hall, Pathhead, Midlothian EH37 5UG 55.88117, -2.96977, from Mr Burn Callander, and resided there till 1887.

As been stated, the name of the deceased gentleman was originally Brown, and he got the name Claud through his maternal uncle, Mr Claud Hamilton of Barns and Cochna, Dumbartonshire, who died in 1863, having settled his property on the deceased, with the request that he should assume the name of Claud Hamilton. ln 1887 Mr Hamilton took Dunmore Park on a lease for five years from the trustees of Lord Dunmore, and in 1892 purchased the mansion house, together with the beautiful policy grounds Dunmore, Dunmore village, and other property.

Mr Hamilton was never an idle man, and although was well able to retire from business after his return to this country, he preferred to work as before. He was a director of the British Linen Bank, and was frequently offered, but declined, the position of chairman. He, however, took the keenest interest the affairs of the bank, and when at home never missed the meetings of the directors in Edinburgh, the last one he attended being on Tuesday, 21 August 1900. He was also a director of the Edinburgh Life Assurance Company, and was officially connected with various public companies. In late years his estates of Barns and Cochna became very valuable on account of their proximity to the River Clyde. On his property that recent and rapidly-growing municipality of Clydebank has sprung up. As the lord of the manor, he frequently visited that district, and he did not a little to promote the growth and prosperity of the rising township. The Episcopal Church there owes its existence very much to his munificence.

The late Mr Hamilton, was a Deputy Lieutenant of Stirlingshire, and a Justice of Peace for Dumbartonshire and Stirlingshire. He was an official of the Highland and Agricultural Society, president of the Stirling Horticultural Society, and a pronounced Conservative in politics. He took a very deep interest in the Episcopal Church, and was for many years a member of the Executive Council of the church Scotland.

Since coming to Dunmore, he took a deep interest in local and county affairs. Of a kindly, generous, and sympathetic disposition, he was always ready to give liberally of his means for the promotion of any good or charitable object, and many have been the recipients of his bounty. The experience which he obtained while in India gave him a knowledge of a dreadful thing famine was there, and to national funds promoted for the relief of the sufferers, he was one of the most liberal contributors. Like the keen Churchman he was, he was never absent from the services in St Andrew's Episcopal Church while at Dunmore, and he read the lessons. Last year he re-decorated the chapel. He did not a little also to improve the social condition of the work-people and others on the estate, was a warm supporter of the recreation club connected with the Dunmore estate, and gave the estate cricket club the magnificent ground on which they have played so successfully for some years past.

The late Mr Claud Hamilton will long live in the memory of all who knew him a man upright and straightforward in all his dealings. He was possessed of remarkable shrewdness and common sense, and of an amount of business that could not fail to be accompanied with success in life. He was not only a keen and successful business man, but a gentleman in the fullest sense of the term. His word was his bond, and he was moreover possessed of a frankness and geniality of disposition which endeared him to all with whom he came into contact. Although spared to a good old age, and to outlive nearly all the friends of his youth, it might be said of him that he was always making friends, and both in this district, and indeed throughout the county of Stirling, as well in Clydebank, his death is deeply deplored.

He is survived by a widow and grown-up family of two sons and three daughters, for whom much and sincere sympathy is being expressed in their bereavement.

The funeral.

St Andrew's Episcopal Church, Dunmore Park, St Andrew's Drive, Dunmore, Falkirk 56.08000, -3.78528 The services in St Andrew's Episcopal Church, Dunmore, were on Sunday, 2 September 1900, conducted by the Rev. P. A. Lempriere, diocesan supernumerary, Edinburgh. In the morning the rev. gentleman made a feeling reference to the late Mr Hamilton. The musical service was very appropriate to the occasion, and the hymns sung were: — "When our heads are bowed with woe," "Our blest Redeemer, ere He breathed," and "Days and moments quickly flying." At the close the organist, Mr Stewart, played the "Dead March" in "Saul." The service in the evening was of similar nature, and both were numerously attended.

Cochno House, Clydebank, Dunbartonshire G81 5QJ 55.9374176, -4.4078906 The funeral took place to Cochna, Dumbartonshire, on Tuesday, 4 September 1900. At 7.30.a.m. holy communion was celebrated in the drawing-room of Dunmore mansion house, where the body had been lying, by the Rev. W. A. Carroll, son-in-law of the deceased. The funeral procession left the mansion-house at 9.15 for St Andrew's Chapel, Dunmore. The first part of the service was read by the Rev. W. Perry, rector, St John's, Alloa, and was of a very impressive character. The church was crowded with friends and the public of the neighbourhood, amongst those present being the Honourable Mrs Hamilton, Mrs Carroll, Miss Hamilton; the Honourable Mary and the Honourable Jean Bruce, and the Honourable George Bruce of Kennet; Sir Allan and Lady Seton Stuart of Touch; Rev. Mr Hendry, Airth Parish Church; Mr Charles Brown, of Kerse (representing the Marquis of Zetland); Mr W. T. Malcolm, Dunmore Home Farm; Mr Morten Fischer, South Alloa; Dr Cribbes, etc. The body was placed in the chancel. The first hymn sung was the late Hamilton's favourite hymn, "Art thou weary, art thou languid?" and the second was the Easter hymn, "Jesus Lives," and the "Nunc Dimittis" was sung as the body was taken from the church, the organist again playing the "Dead March" in "Saul." On the desk of the late Mr Hamilton's seat was placed a cross of white flowers. The coffin was carried from the drawing-room of the mansion-house to the hearse, and also from the chancel of the chapel to the hearse, by Messrs Wm. Moir, Joe Smith, John Meikle, and Daniel McDonald, retainers on the estate.

After the service the funeral party drove to Larbert Station, and went by train to Glasgow. From there they drove to St Columba's Episcopal Church, Glasgow Road, Clydebank, Glasgow 55.89611, -4.39806, the site for which church the deceased gentleman had himself given, and in the building of which he had given very substantial help. The officiating clergymen were the Bishop of Glasgow; Rev. W. Perry, Alloa; and the Rev. Malcolm McColl, rector of St Columba's Church, Clydebank. The musical service was led by the choir of the Clydebank Church. As the body was carried up the church they sang "When our heads are bowed with woe," and the other hymns were "Jesus, Lover of My Soul," and "Now Labourer Task is O'er." The Bishop of Glasgow read the service, and the Rev. Mr Perry read the lesson.

After the service in St Columba's Church, the funeral party drove to the private burial place of the deceased at Cochna. For the last 300 yards the body had to be carried— mostly by the deceased's retainers — uphill through a wood to the mausoleum. The service at the grave was conducted by the Bishop of Glasgow. The pall-bearers were Mr Bruce Hamilton and Mr Archibald Hamilton (sons); Lord Balfour of Burleigh (brother-in-law); Rev. W. A. Carroll (son-in-law); Sir Charles Dalrymple; Mr M. Kenzie, writer, Glasgow; and Mr Cowan, W.S., Edinburgh. Amongst those present at the grave were the Bishop of Edinburgh, and Chancellor Keatinge, of Edinburgh Cathedral; Mr Donaldson, tenant of Cochna; Colonel Trotter, Stirling Castle; Mr Wallace, the Mains, Glasgow; Mr Rankine, Kennet House: Mr McCall, factor, Dunmore; Mr Bentley, butler; Mr Wood, head gardener; Mr Forrester, coachman; Mr Daniel McDonald, Mr Wm. Moir, and Mr John Meikle, Dunmore. The choir of the Clydebank Church was present, and the conclusion of the service sang "Now the labourer's task o'er." The coffin, which was supplied by Mr Simpson, undertaker, Stirling, was of polished oak, with silver plated sides, and silver handles, and the plate bore the following inscription: —

Claud Hamilton Hamilton of Barnes and Cochna, born Wednesday, 16 April 1823; at rest, Thursday, 30 August 1900.

Wreaths were sent from the following, amongst others: — The of the deceased's family; Mrs and the Misses Ferguson Buchanan of Auchintorlie; Mrs Ferguson Buchanan of Hales Hall, Shropshire; Lord and Lady Balfour of Burleigh, the Honourable Misses Bruce, the Master of Burleigh, and the Honourable George Bruce; Lady Alice and Mr Stewart of Carnock; Sir Allan and Lady Seton Stuart of Touch; Lady Elphinston, Musselburgh; The Mackintosh Mackintosh and Mrs Mackintosh; Mr and Mrs Macpherson Grant, Inverness-shire; Mrs Gordon and Miss Gordon, Edinburgh; Mrs George Brown, and Mr and Mrs George Probyn, London; Mr and Mrs Cooper, Craigforth, Stirling; Miss Evelyn McKenzie; Mr and Mrs Kenneth Ferguson, Shropshire; from various other friends, and from the servants on the estate. Amongst the wreaths was one in the form a cross of purple and white heather, which was gathered by people employed on the deceased's shooting lodge at Meall More, Inverness-shire, and which was sent the by the Mackintosh of Mackintosh.

From Ancestry 19001220 probate Claud Hamilton Hamilton Barns & Dunmore Dunmore Park Larbert d 19000830 pr Henrietta Anne H Alexander Hugh Bruce Robert MacKenzie £122674 and 1900 Probate Search - Hamilton Page 1

20 December 1900 confirmation of Claud Hamilton Hamilton, of Barns and Dunmore, residing at Dunmore Park, Larbert, who died 30 August 1900, at Dunmore Park, aforesaid, testate, granted at Stirling on 20 December 1900 to the Hon. Henrietta Anne Hamilton or Bruce, Dunmore Park, widow, the Right Hon. Alexander Hugh Bruce, Lord Balfour of Burleigh, his brother-in-law, and Robert MacKenzie, younger of Caldarven, executors nominated in Will or Deed, dated 7 February 1899, and recorded with other Writs in Court Books of Commissariot of Stirling, 6 December 1900. Value of Estate: £122673 18s. 6d. [Dunmore Park House, St Andrew's Drive, Dunmore, Stirlingshire FK2 8LP 56.08257, -3.79352]

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Хронология Claud Hamilton Hamilton, 12th of Barns & Cochno , J.P.

10 апреля 1823
Glasgow, Scotland (Соединённое Королевство)
16 июля 1883
30 августа 1900
Возраст 77
Dunmore Park House, St Andrew's Drive, Dunmore, Stirlingshire, FK2 8LP, Scotland (Соединённое Королевство)