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Daniel Hertz

Псевдоним: "Dangel Herz", "Dangel Hertz", "Daniel Herz"
Дата рождения:
Место рождения: Waldbillig, Canton d'Echternach, Grevenmacher, Luxembourg
Смерть: 1920 (65-66)
Luxembourg City, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg (Люксембург)
Место погребения: Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Ближайшие родственники:

Сын Joseph Hertz и Ottilie (Odilia) Hertz
Муж Fredericka Ricka Hertz
Отец Bertha Beby Caro; Nathan Natti Hertz; Max Hertz; Private; Rudolph Rudy Hertz и ещё 4
Брат Aron Hertz; Hermann Hertz; Regine "Rose" Nathan (Hertz); Salomon Hertz; Gudule Samuel и ещё 3
Неполнородный брат Elisabeth Babette Binchen Hirsch и Michel Hertz

Профессия: marchand de bestiaux (cattle dealer?)
Менеджер: Private User
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Ближайшие родственники

About Daniel Hertz

Seven brothers. Documents disagree on when he died. REL records shows 1921. Chart has 1920. Rudy uses 1921.

Rudy Hertz book has him born in 1854 in Junglinster, Luxembourg. Other documents used by cousins, provide the information used in tree. REL

Letter dictated August, 1951 by Emil Hertz, son of Daniel Hertz, to his daughter Bertha: .... Our grandfather, Daniel was born in 1854. He married our grandmother, Ricka Pfeiffer, in 1882. She was born in 1861 and came from Wurtemburg, Germany. They susequently had 11 children, 2 died in infancy. Their lives were very hard, as grandfather was very ill for many years, and the many children didn't makie it any easier. He was a cattle dealer, when he worked, as were most of the Hertzes. Her Hebrew name was Baile, his was Pinchas Cayim, Ben-Naftoli. He died in 1921, she died in 1935. Her later years were very pleasant as her sons adored her and provided her with every luxury, even sending her to Bad Nauheim for 6 weeks each summer. She was a very intellignet woman, who kept the family together through difficult years. SFK

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Хронология Daniel Hertz

4 августа 1854
Waldbillig, Canton d'Echternach, Grevenmacher, Luxembourg

Nom hébreux: "Pinhas Haim ben Neftali"

5 апреля 1883
18 сентября 1884
Ettelbruck, Luxembourg (Люксембург)
26 августа 1886
24 сентября 1889
Junglinster, Luxembourg (Люксембург)
23 мая 1891
Germany (Германия)
10 марта 1893
26 сентября 1899
Ettelbruck, Diekirch, Diekirch, Luxembourg