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Dorothy Lambert

Дата рождения:
Место рождения: Middleton Saint George, Darlington, England, United Kingdom (Соединённое Королевство)
Ближайшие родственники:

Дочь Hubert Percy Lambert и Violet Beatrice Lambert
Сестра Violet Edna May Rickinson; Percy A Lambert и George Alfred Lambert
Неполнородная сестра Reginald William Lambert; Archibald Alan Lambert; Clarence Raymond Lambert; Roland Arthur Lambert и Private

Менеджер: Victoria Joyce Monk
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About Dorothy Lambert

It is said that Dorothy sadly got jilted at the alter by a French Canadian man. She was left standing there and never got over it.

She used to travel to exotic places, which was rare and unusual in those days.

She always used to get her family Christmas presents, one year getting Carol a toy cash register and Pauline a beautiful handbag. Carol was rather sad and jealous of the handbag, convinced that Aunty Dorothy had confused the girls' ages, with Pauline being the younger of the pair, not Carol.

Dorothy never married.

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Хронология Dorothy Lambert

Middleton Saint George, Darlington, England, United Kingdom (Соединённое Королевство)