Dr Alban Avelino John Barros D'Sa

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Dr Alban Avelino John Barros D'Sa

Дата рождения:
Смерть: 20 января 2015 (77)
Ближайшие родственники:

Сын Inaçio Francisco Purificação Saúde de Sá и Srª. Maria Eslinda Inez Barros e Sá
Муж Private
Отец Private и Private
Брат Dr Aires Agnelo Barnabe Barros D'Sa, O.B.E.; Private; Private; Private; Private и ещё 1

Менеджер: Private User
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About Dr Alban Avelino John Barros D'Sa

Biography from Debrett's People of Today, July 2003

First Names: Alban Avelino John

Parentage: s of Inacio Francisco Purificacao Saude D'Sa (d 1978), of London, and Maria Eslinda Inez, nee Barros (d 1998)

Date of Birth: 25 October 1937

Education: Teacher Training Coll Nairobi Kenya,

West Ham Coll London, 
Univ of Bristol (MB ChB, LRCP, MRCS, FRCSEdin, FRCS Eng) 

Marriage/Children: 22 July 1972, Gwenda Anne, da of Richard Arthur Davies (d 2002), of Coventry; 1 da (Sonia Helen b 4 Sept 1974), 1 s (Ian James b 30 April 1976)

Career: house surgn and physician Bristol Royal Infirmary 1967-68, memb staff Faculty of Anatomy Univ of Bristol 1968-69, sr house offr in surgery (renal transplantion, orthopaedic, general, traumatic and cardio-thoracic surgery) Bristol Royal Infirmary, Southmead and Frenchay Hosps 1969-71, registrar in surgery and urology Musgrove Park Hosp Taunton 1971-74, Pfizer res fell (also tutor in surgery and hon sr registrar) Royal Postgrad Med Sch and Hammersmith Hosp 1974-75, sr registrar in gen and vascular surgery Univ Hosp of Wales Cardiff and Singleton Hosp Swansea, conslt surgn Univ Hosps, Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Tst 1979-2002, clinical teacher Dept of Surgery Leicester Warwick Med Sch 2001-02, clinical dir of surgery St Cross Hosp Rugby 1990-93, surgical tutor RCS England 1987-93; examiner (FRCS) in gen surgery for RCS Edinburgh 1990-, tutor in laparoscopic surgery for RCS England 1995-, convenor of laparoscopic surgery courses for Minimally Access Therapy Trg Unit RCS England 1996-, external conslt assessor to Health Serv Ombudsman 1999-, examiner in surgery Univ of Leicester 2002-, examiner in surgery Univ of Warwick 2002-; visiting lectr in laparoscopic surgery Goa Med Sch Univ of Goa 1995,, invited guest lectr on complications of laparoscopic surgery XXth Annual Conf Delhi State Chapter Assoc of Surgns of India 2002; memb Ct Univ of Bristol 1969-97; sr memb: Br Soc of Gastroenterology, Midland Gastroenterology Assoc, Midland Surgical Soc, Rugby and Dist Med Soc; fndr memb Assoc of Endoscopic Surgns of GB and Ireland, sr fell Assoc of Surgns GB and Ireland; memb: Warwicks Medico-legal Soc, BMA; FRCS (ad eundem) 1997

Books: Rhoads Textbook of Surgery (contrib chapter 5 edn, 1977); author of numerous pubns in med jls on oesophageal, gastric, pancreatic, vascular and thyroid surgery

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Хронология Dr Alban Avelino John Barros D'Sa

25 октября 1937
20 января 2015
Возраст 77