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George Hickes, Jr.

Дата рождения:
Место рождения: Churchill, Division No. 23, Manitoba, Canada (Канада)
Ближайшие родственники:

Сын George Hickes и Private

Менеджер: Kevin Lawrence Hanit
Последнее обновление:
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About George Hickes, Jr.

George Hickes, Jr. MLA is a Canadian politician, who was elected to represent the district of Iqaluit-Tasiluk in the Legislative Assembly of Nunavut in the 2013 election.

Born in Churchill, Manitoba, Hickes is the son of George Hickes, the former speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, and the cousin of current Nunavut MP, Hunter Tootoo. Prior to his election to the legislature, Hickes worked as a civil servant in the government of Nunavut, and as a communications manager for Qulliq Energy.

Hickes was elected to Cabinet in the 4th Legislative Assembly of Nunavut on November 9, 2015. He was named as Minister responsible for the Qulliq Energy Corporation and as Minister responsible for the Nunavut Housing Corporation

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Хронология George Hickes, Jr.

Churchill, Division No. 23, Manitoba, Canada (Канада)