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George Perram

Дата рождения:
Место рождения: New South Wales, Australia (Австралия)
Смерть: 27 апреля 1924 (68-69)
St Peters, NSW
Место погребения: Woronora Cemetery, NSW
Ближайшие родственники:

Сын James Griffin Perram и Ellen Perram
Муж Elizabeth Henrietta Perram и Private
Отец Amy Ellen Bycroft (Perram); Private; Lily Louisa Pfister; Darcy John (Charles) Perram; William J. Perram и ещё 2
Брат James Perram; Charles Griffith Perram; Emma Moon; William Henry Perram; Ellen Maude Gore и ещё 5

Менеджер: Bronwyn Ann Halls(cook)
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Ближайшие родственники

About George Perram


Birth V18552464 42A/1855; Perram, George to James and Ellen.

Siblings 1844 Charles G; 1847 Emma; 1849 William H; 1849 Ellen M (Twins); 1851 Edwin; 1853 Eliza L; 1859 Alfred H; 1860 Adeline F M.

Possibly also: 1843 James, born to James and Helen; 1857 Llewellyn Perran to James and Ellen.


1st Marriage 3567/1877 Mudgee; Perram, George to Cook, Elizabeth.

Children born to George and Elizabeth H/Henrietta:

1878 Amy Ellen (Ogier/McCarthy/Bycroft), 1879 George H, 1881 Lilly Louisa (Pfister), 1883 Darcy John (Charles), 1885 William (died 1886).

Elizabeth H Perram died 8172/1887 Liverpool, daughter of John and Louisa.


2nd Marriage 4140/1894 Helensburgh; Perram, George to Gifford, Laura.

Children born to George and Laura:

1897 Doris M (Dewley/King) and 1899 James H (Tom).


Death 6973/1924 St Peters; Perram, George, son of James and Helen (sic).

George Perram, died 27/4/1924, and is buried at Woronora Cemetery, Anglican Monumental Section 2, 0862 with his wife Laura.

SMH Tue 29 Apr 1924 Family Notices

PERRAM. -The Relatives and Friends of Mrs. LAURA PERRAM and FAMILY are invited to attend the Funeral of her dearly beloved HUSBAND and their FATHER, George Perram; to leave his residence, 13 Grove-street, St. Peters, THIS AFTERNOON, at 1.30 o'clock, for Church of England Cemetery, Woronora. F. W. HARTLEY. 13A Enmore-road, Newtown.


SMH Friday 29 August 1930:

JOHN GLANFIELD SCRIVENER of Junee and the Estate of GEORGE PERRAM of Heathcote overdue rates £4/4/11 land Lot 9 Section 3 DP 2188 Forest road Heathcote.

Not sure of the relationship of this notice. Note dates below:

SMH Tuesday 11 September 1928:

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW SOUTH WALES.-Probate Jurisdiction.-In the Will of JOHN GLANFIELD SCRIVENER late of Marrickville near Sydney in the State of New South Wales, Retired Fitter, deceased.-Application will be made after four- teen days from the publication hereof that Letters of Administration with the last Will and Testament of the abovenamed deceased annexed may be granted to GRANVILLE WALLACE SCRIVENER one of the resi- duary beneficiaries named in the said Will (the Execu- tor therein having duly renounced probate). And all persons having any claim against the Estate of the said deceased are required to forward particulars there- of to the undersigned within the said period and all notices may be served at the undermentioned address. F. A. COMMINS, Proctor for the Applicant, Junee. By his Agents, F. CURTISS, SON, and BYRNE, Solici- tors, 67 Castlereagh-street. Sydney.

SMH Thursday 2 June 1949:

NO. 337166. In the Will of JOHN GLANFIELD SCRIVENER late of Marrickville near Sydney in the state of New South Wales Retired Fitter de- ceased. Notice is hereby given that the first accounts in the above Estate have been filed this day in my office, Supreme Court, King Street, Sydney, and all persons having any interest in the said Estate may come in before me at my said office on or before the 20th June at 10.30 o'clock in the forenoon and inspect the same if they shall think fit to object thereto: otherwise if the said accounts be not objected to, the same will be examined by me and pas- sed according to law. And notice is also hereby given that on the allowance of the said Accounts by the Court commission will be applied for on behalf of the said Administrator. Dated 1st June, 1949. FRED C. EMANUEL & CO..


William Perram, a brother of George Perram, died near Cudgegong when the roof of a mine collapsed. (Illawarra Mercury Tues 21 May 1872).

Birth B18491047 35/1849 Perram, William H, to James and Ellen.

Death 6499/1872 Rylstone; Perram, William H, son of James and Ellen.


A Nephew, Alfred J Perram (son of Alfred H, a brother to George), died at the Steelworks, from natural causes.

Birth 14445/1884 Dubbo; Perram Alfred J, to Alfred H and Hannah M.

Death 23613/1942 Wollongong; Perram, Alfred James, son of Alfred Harold and Hannah Margaret.

Illawarra Mercury Friday 19 June 1942; Searchlight:

Alfred James Perram, of 13 Keira st., Wollongong, collapsed and died at the Steelworks on Monday whilst at work. With the exception of an attack of influenza about two months ago, he was apparently in good health up to the time of his death.

He is survived by a widow and two daughters, A brother, Mr. H. G. Perram, resides at 44 Cliff-road, Wollongong. An inquest will be held.

Illawarra Mercury 10 July 1942:


At the adjourned inquest on Tuesday, the Deputy Coroner returned a verdict of death from natural causes, viz, coronary occlusion.


Alfred's brother, Mr H G Perram, would be Harold G Perram:

Birth 26577/1890 Nyngan; Perram, Harold G to Alfred H and Hannah.

Death 31074/1954 Wollongong; Perram, Harold Griffith, son of Alfred Harold and Margaret.

Illawarra Mercury Thursday 23 December 1954:


The death occurred at his residence in Cliff Rd., Wollongong of a former Steelworks employee, Harold Griffith Perram, aged 54 years.

Prior to taking a position as blacksmith at the A. I. & S. works, Port Kembla, which he held for 20 years, Mr. Perram was with a Wollongong coachbuilding firm for 16 years.

He was the husband of Eileen and the father of Dorothy (Mrs. M. Manning, deceased), Maria (Mrs. J. Kenny), Norma (Mrs. O. Ramsay) and Geoffrey.

A service will be conducted in the Wollongong Cathedral prior to cremation in the Roman Catholic Cemetery, Wollongong. Father Moore will officiate. Funeral arrangements were carried out by H. Parsons of Keira St., Wollongong.


George's brother, Alfred Harold Perram, died 1921:

Death 19871/1921 Parramatta; Perram, Alfred H, son of James and Ellen M.

SMH Tuesday 1 November 1921:

PERRAM. -October 31, 1921, at his residence, Hassall-street, Westmead, Alfred Harold, beloved husband of the late Hannah Margaret Perram, aged 62 years. R.I.P.

The Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate Wednesday 2 November 1921.

Sudden Death.

A Westmead Resident..

About 8 o'clock on Monday morning, Mr. Alfred Harold Perram, widower, of Hassall-street, Westmead, was sitting on a chair on the back verandah of his resi- dence reading a newspper, when he was seen by a son and daughter to give a slight jump and let the paper fall to the floor. They went to his assistance and found he had collapsed.

Word was immediately sent to Dr. Daly, Parramatta, who immediately responded to the call. On arrival he pronounced life extinct, and after an examination was of the opin- ion that death had been caused by sud- den heart failure. Deceased, who leaves a grown-up family, was 62 years of age.

The funeral moved to the R.C. cemetery, Rookwood, on Tuesday, the arrangement being in the hands of R. Metcalfe.

His wife Hannah M(argaret) Perram had died 1917:

Death 2328/1917 Granville; Perram, Hannah M. daughter of Robert and Mary.

The Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate, Parramatta, Saturday 10 February 1917:

On 7th inst. Mrs. Hannah Margaret Perram (55), died at her daughter's residence (Mrs. Lohan), Archibald-street Granville. She was a resident of Rooty Hill, where her husband is employed on the permanent way. She leaves a grown-up family.

SMH Friday 9 February 1917

PERRAM. - The Friends of Mr. A. H. PERRAM of Rooty Hill, and FAMILY, are kindly invited to attend the Funeral of his dearly beloved WIFE and their dear MOTHER, Hannah Margaret Perram; to leave her daughters residence, Archibald-street, Granville, THIS (Friday) MORNING at 9.45, for Catholic Cemetery Rookwood, New Ground. R. METCALFE, Undertaker. Parramatta Tel U8096.

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Хронология George Perram

New South Wales, Australia (Австралия)
Murrurundi, NSW, Australia (Австралия)
Murrurundi, NSW, Australia (Австралия)
Rylstone, NSW, Australia (Австралия)
Campbelltown, NSW, Australia (Австралия)
27 апреля 1924
Возраст 69
St Peters, NSW