George "Goldenhawk" Sizemore, Chief

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George "Goldenhawk" Sizemore, Chief

Дата рождения:
Ближайшие родственники:

Сын N.N. и Mary Sizemore

Менеджер: Private User
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About George "Goldenhawk" Sizemore, Chief


According to debate regarding DNA testing and "he-say-she-say" on the internet, Mary Sizemore was allegedly kidnapped from Chief Opechancanough of the Powhatan tribe and impregnated by him. This debate and query has popped up on the internet in the early 2000s.

Prior to year 2000, the story, there is more reliable information with photos and family stories regarding George "Golden Hawk" Sizemore being the son of George "All" Sizemore.


Click here for the other profile of George Golden Hawk Sizemore (pictures and history).