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Henry Edwards, Jr.

Дата рождения:
Место рождения: Glenville, NY, United States (США)
Смерть: 13 марта 1852 (49)
Charlton, NY, United States (США) (acute attack of erysipelas)
Ближайшие родственники:

Сын Henry C. Edwards и Sarah "Sally" Baker
Муж Elizabeth Edwards
Отец Wakeman W. Edwards; John Henry Edwards и Marcia Mary Edwards
Брат Samuel Baker Edwards; Lewis Edwards; Hannah Edwards; Daniel S Edwards; Alfred Edwards и ещё 5
Неполнородный брат Charles Edwards

Менеджер: Gerard Anthony Basel
Последнее обновление:

About Henry Edwards, Jr.


He was the third of the name in direct line of descent. He was born at Glenville on the 16th day of August, 1802, and died of an acute attack of erysipelas at Charlton, the 13th day of March, 1852, in the 50th year of his age. He was always a farmer, with one exception when for a short time he carried on blacksmithing and wagon making, first at Bloomfield, Indiana, and then at Burnt Hills, N.Y. He was buried in the Baptist churchyard at Burnt Hills with other members of the family, as his grandmother was buried there. He did not belong to any church. He was raised on the old homestead and did farm work and at times, during the harvest, he used to gire out as a harvest hand to the neighbors who needed help. He used to work during harvest time for a neighbor named Wakeman Wakeman, with whom he was a great favorite, and after whom he afterwards named one of his boys. In passing I will say that it was then the custom among even well-to-do farmers for their sons to hurry up and get through the harvest work at home and then to hire out to assist their neighbors. It was considered as a kind of frolic, as well as putting a few pennies in the purse.

Henry Edwards, Jr. was married to Betsey Rogers at Charlton, Saratoga County, New York, on the 21st day of November, A.D. 1825. The issue of this marriage was Wakeman Wakeman Edwards, John Henry Edwards and Marcia Mary Edwards.

Having traced the paternal line from the earliest known progenitors to my own time, I think best to go back and trace the maternal line in like manner; when I will take up the biography of this Henry Edwards 3rd and give further details of him before giving details of his children.

--written by Wakeman Wakeman Edwards, circa 1890

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Хронология Henry Edwards, Jr.

16 августа 1802
Glenville, NY, United States (США)
13 сентября 1826
Charlton, NY, United States (США)
13 марта 1852
Возраст 49
Charlton, NY, United States (США)