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Hercules Searle

Дата рождения:
Место рождения: England (Соединённое Королевство)
Смерть: до 1632
England (Соединённое Королевство)
Ближайшие родственники:

Муж Jane Alderman

Менеджер: Private User
Последнее обновление:
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Ближайшие родственники

About Hercules Searle

From https://www.ancestry.com/boards/thread.aspx?mv=flat&m=39&p=surnames...

The Following is taken from the Clapp Memorial Record of the Clapp Family in America, by Ebenezer Clapp:

The children of Richard his 2nd wife are: 1. Nicholas Clapp, b. 1570, Sydbury, Devonshire, Eng. d. Mar. 14, 1631, Ven Ottery, Devon, Eng. md. Elizabeth __ 1602, Dorchester, Devon

Nicholas & Elizabeth’s children:

3. Jane Clapp, b. 1608 (same as 1 2). d. c. 1668 Eng. Hercules Searle, c. 1628, Devon, Eng.

Note Mary Lovering Holman (and Winifred Lovering Holman), Ancestry of Colonel John Harrington Stevens and his wife Frances Helen Miller, 2 volumes (n.p. 1948, 1951) Vol 1 p 278 says she *probably* married Hercules Searle. But Robert Charles Anderson Great Migration Series 2 Vol 1 p 21 says she may have been wife of John Alderman. Quite possibly Jane Clapp daughter of Nicholas Clapp of Sidbury Devon; See the will of John Alderman - he left much of his estate to the Clapp family.

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Хронология Hercules Searle

England (Соединённое Королевство)
Возраст 23
England (Соединённое Королевство)
12 марта 1999
Возраст 23
10 мая 2000
Возраст 23