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Связанные проекты

Hersz Lejb Baum

иврит: הרש ליב באום
Дата рождения:
Место рождения: Radom
Смерть: август 1942 (9-18)
Treblinka extermination camp (טרבלינקה)
Ближайшие родственники:

Сын Yechiel Abram Baum и Jochweta Baum
Брат Kalman Baum; Szajndla Liwcia/Liba/Liwa Baum; Ruchla/Rachel Rywka Baum; Avigdor Baum и Mira Baum

Менеджер: Tzahi Drori
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About Hersz Lejb Baum

Hersh Leib Baum was born in 1928 to Abraham and Iokhevet. He was a child. Prior to WWII he lived in Radom, Poland. During the war he was in Radom, Poland.

Hersh leib was murdered in the Shoah.

This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed here), Yafa Cuker Goldvaser

Hersh Leib Baum was born in 1930 to Yekhiel and Yokheved. He was a child. Prior to WWII he lived in Radom, Poland. During the war he was in Radom, Poland.

Hersh Leib was murdered in the Shoah.

This information is based on Pages of Testimony (displayed here) submitted by, Bronislava Kazhdan and by, Yafa Tzuker Goldvaser

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Хронология Hersz Lejb Baum

август 1942
Возраст 14
Treblinka extermination camp