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Homer Woolf

Дата рождения:
Место рождения: Nehpi, Juab, Utha, United States (США)
Смерть: 22 июня 1933 (77)
Cardston, Division No. 3, Alberta, Canada (Канада)
Место погребения: Cardston, Division No. 3, Alberta, Canada
Ближайшие родственники:

Сын John Anthony Woolf, Jr. и Sarah Ann Woolf
Муж Loila Woolf
Отец Homer Jesse Woolf; Sarah Loila Quinton; Orrilla Tanner; Andrew Bates Woolf; Annie Bates Rasmussen и ещё 3
Брат Absalom Woolf; Sarah Ann Brown; James Woolf, Sr.; Hannah Eliza Brown; William Isaac Woolf и ещё 6

Менеджер: Randy Stebbing
Последнее обновление:

About Homer Woolf

Obituary for Homer Woolf: Woolf Passes to His Reward...Homer Woolf, aged 78 years, one of Cardston's most respected and worthy citizens, a man of 20 years service in the Alberta Stake High Council, and a man of friendship and service to the people of this community, passed from this life on Thursday morning, June 22nd at his home following a very sudden heart attack from which he has been suffering for a number of years. For several years too he has been almost totally blind, but yet has enjoyed life around the home, and the society of his family and friends. He and his wife, Mrs. Loila Bates Woolf, have been one of Cardston's most supremely happy couples, basking in the sunlight of each others company, and enjoying the visits of their children and friends at their home, so that the shock of his sudden death has almost caused he collapse of his good wife, who was too ill to attend the funeral on Saturday afternoon. For many years they have been held in honor and respect by the people of this community, and though "Uncle Homer" through failing health had to give up his Stake work in the High Council, yet he was revered by all for his many kindnesses and his neighborliness. They came to Canada in 1894, just a few years after the original settlement here in 1887, and here they raised a large and honorable family. Homer Jesse Woolf, now of Glenwood, Mrs. Sarah Woolf Quinton, Mrs. Orilla W. Tanner, (deceased), Andrew B. Woolf, Mrs. Annie Rassmussen, Mrs. Bernice Quinton, Mrs. Lucille Pilling, and Mrs. Donna wood are the children, all of whom live close by the family home, and were able to be present and a comfort to their mother.

Funeral services were held in the Stake Tabernacle, with Bishop J.Y. Card conducting. The arrangements for the funeral were most ably handled by P. Christensen of the Christensen Funeral Home, and many beautiful flowers, mostly home grown, covered the casket. Grandsons of the deceased acted as pall bearers. The choir was led by S.S. Newton, and several special musical numbers were furnished.

Elder G.S. Brown of Salt Lake City was the first speaker. His remarks were as one of the family, and he had remained over from returning to his home in Utah to be present at the funeral, "Uncle Homer" was in reality his uncle. He characterized the life of "Uncle Homer" as one desiring and obtaining friendship and fellowship more than any other relationship in life.

T.W. Duce, member of the High Council, the second speaker, gave an insight into the family history which was much appreciated by all. The early days in Utah while together the Woolf and Duce families lived in Hyde Park, and where "Uncle Homer" served in the Bishopric, and as President of the Young Men's Association, and from where he filled a mission to the Southern States, especially in Virginia, and then later came to Canada and Served for 20 years in the High Council were all recounted by the speaker.

Edward Leavitt, also a member of the High Council, and a close neighbor of the Woolf family here in early days, referred to the many pioneer experiences which knitted the hearts of the people together and paid sincere tribute to Homer Woolf for his friendship for all, and his love and devotion to his family.

President Wood was the next speaker, taking as his text he Psalm: "The Lord is My Shepherd" and spoke most feelingly of the congenial, quiet, unassuming, even-tempered characteristics of he deceased brother, declaring that in all his actions in life, Homer Woolf had tried to be on the side of right.

Bishop Card closed the services with a few well chosen words of thanks from the family to all for their many kindnesses. President Z.W. Jacobs offered the benediction and burial took place in the Cardston Cemetery with D.O. Wight dedicating the grave.

SOURCE: Family Search.org

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Хронология Homer Woolf

12 октября 1855
Nehpi, Juab, Utha, United States (США)
4 октября 1881
Hyde Park, Cache, Cache County, Utah, United States (США)
7 ноября 1883
Hyde Park, Cache, Cache County, Utah, United States (США)
21 ноября 1885
Riverdale, Franklin, Idaho, United States
12 апреля 1890
Franklin County, ID, United States (США)
10 ноября 1894
Cardston, Division No. 3, Alberta, Canada (Канада)
20 декабря 1896
Cardston, Division No. 3, Alberta, Canada (Канада)
16 декабря 1899
Cardston, Division No. 3, Alberta, Canada (Канада)
15 мая 1909
Cardston, Alberta, Canada (Канада)