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Hughena Gauntlett Santos (Spencer)

Псевдоним: "Gauntie", "Genie"
Дата рождения:
Место рождения: Sequirres, Costa Rica (Коста-Рика)
Смерть: 25 июля 2010 (94)
Laredo, TX, United States (США) (Perforation of Large Intestine)
Ближайшие родственники:

Дочь Hubert Gauntlett и Ruth Spencer
Жена Francisco Antonio Santos
Мать Private User и Private User
Сестра Private

Профессия: Surgeon - Medical Doctor
Менеджер: Private User
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About Hughena Gauntlett-Santos

Biographical Sketch of Hughenna L. Gauntlett, MD, FACS

Hughenna L. Gauntlett, MD, FACS was born in Siquirres, Costa Rica near Puerto Limon, an eastern costal seaport on September 14, 1915. She grew up in Puerto Limon and Cahuita in a beautiful location near a state park. There were many family members near by for her mother, Ruth Blanche Spencer, came from a family with 8 children.

Due to the fortunes of winning a lottery, Ms. Spencer bought a farm that she worked and sent Dr. Gauntlett to West Indies Training College (Northern Carribean University) in Mandeville, Jamaica as it was known then. With intense application, she was able to do well in school and be involved with teaching and singing after graduation. She nurtured her interest in medicine for her mother’s mother was a midwife and applied for a visa to United States with an interest to study medicine. She was accepted and came to New York.

After enrolling in a premedical program she lacked two classes to complete the course of study and an opportunity came to go to Atlantic Union College for the summer session. She did this due to the influx of men from World War II that was anticipated in 1947, hence, with these two classes, she was able to apply for the College of Medical Evangelists School of Medicine Class of 1946. As if being directed again by Unseen Hands, she went to church in New York after acceptance for medical school and left with an offering of $500. Suffice it to say that 4 years in medical school was a faith filled experience.

Her visa was about to expire during the time she was in internship and she was forced to go to Canada and return with a new visa. She was informed on arrival at the American Embassy that it would take 6-8 months, however, with prayer and persistence, she made an appointment the next day due to a unexpected cancellation. She returned to the United States without incident.

She went into practice with another female physician in South-east Los Angeles that was called Watts, however, she felt the need to subspecialize for reasons of being able to spend time with her family. Not too long after marriage to Frank Antonio Santos, she returned to Loma Linda University for an internship year in surgery and finished California Lutheran Hospital (California Hospital Medical Center, now) residency program in surgery with a year at Kaiser Permanente prior to sitting for her board examination. She took her board examination successfully and became the first African American female surgeon with this title, the second female surgeon in Los Angeles. Twelve years later, she became the chairperson of the department of Surgery at the hospital in which she trained.

She had twin sons that were blessed with a faith based upbringing that included verses such as “be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity” and “what ever thy hand find to do, do with thy might.” They pursued medicine and became surgeons. Where-ever they have been they have been an asset to their church family.

Most importantly, Dr. Gauntlett exemplifies a faithful dogged perseverance. During a recent address earlier this month by the new General Conference president of Seventh-day Adventist, she was seen struggling to her feet to answer the call yet again. Furthermore, she was clear of mind and deliberately comforting to her family prior to entering her last operation. She reminded all to remember to praise God always and in all things! While her earthly feats may be considered historic, her determined faith in God in the life she led must be the final word. She wanted it that way and would expect us to follow Jesus’ example, also!

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Хронология Hughena Gauntlett-Santos

1 июля 1051
- 1 августа 1986
Self, Los Angeles, California, United States (США)
14 сентября 1915
Sequirres, Costa Rica (Коста-Рика)
25 июля 2010
Возраст 94
Laredo, TX, United States (США)
30 июля 2010
Возраст 94