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Ignacia Guerra

Дата рождения:
Ближайшие родственники:

Дочь Jose Maria Guerra и Adela Guerra
Жена Perfecto Rodriguez
Мать Leopoldo G. Rodriguez
Сестра Clotilde Guerra; Margarito Guerra; Irene Guerra; Armengol Guerra; Francisco Guerra Guerra и ещё 3

Менеджер: Private User
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Хронология Ignacia Guerra


Leopoldo was born on October 2,1909 He was the fourth of a family of nine HIs real name was Leopoldo Angel but he never like it so he added his mother's maiden name and dropped Angel.He liked photography. There are several pictures of him dressed in differnet uniforms. He used to go to Oilton and Mirando City on weekends to show movies. As a hobby he took many videos of us in different settings. As a young child he used to play pranks on his sisters. He used to hide under the bed so that he didn't have to go to school. and His mother had to keep looking under the beds to find his so that he would attend school. His dad used to call him "el diabilito rojo."
