Jeremias Cornelis Nieuwoudt, b3

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Jeremias Cornelis Nieuwoudt, b3

Also Known As: "Heremias"
Birthplace: Cape Town, Cape Town, WC, South Africa
Immediate Family:

Son of Isaac Nieuwoudt SV/PROG and Johanna (Anna) Nieuwoudt
Brother of Helena Nieuwoudt; Alida Nieuwoudt, b4; Johannes Nieuwoudt; Alida Nieuwoudt, b6; Anna Catharina Nieuwoudt and 2 others
Half brother of Gerrit Nieuwoudt

Managed by: Private User
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Immediate Family

About Jeremias Cornelis Nieuwoudt, b3

Jeremias Nieuwoudt born 1720 baptized 17 November 1720, Cape Town

Notes: He was still living in September1739 when he was mentioned in a report to the Council of Policy 'Vrijdag den 4 do.: ’s Morgens vertrocken na Goeijemans Craal, en op de weg ontmoeten ons Jeremias Nieuwout en heeft aan ons rapport gedaan ... '. (Resolutions of the Council of Policy of Cape of Good Hope, Cape Town Archives Repository, C. 112, pp. 3-33. Saturdag den 31 October 1739, ’s voormiddags.) from TANAP web site.

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Jeremias Cornelis Nieuwoudt, b3's Timeline

November 17, 1720
Cape Town, Cape Town, WC, South Africa
November 17, 1720