Johann Christoph Heinrich von Ripperda

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Johann Christoph Heinrich von Ripperda

Birthplace: Tyskland (Germany)
Death: July 31, 1698 (32)
Tjernjakhovsk, Kaliningrad, Rusland (Russian Federation)
Immediate Family:

Son of Freiherr Gerhard Friedrich Mauritius Ripperda zu Ellerburg and Anna Lucia von Münnich Erbin von Ellerburg
Husband of Catharina Gertrud Sybilla von Bar
Father of Friedrich Nicolaus von Ripperda, Baron zu Ellerburg en Dijckhuisen
Brother of Elisabeth Auguste Freiin von Ripperda

Managed by: Private User
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Johann Christoph Heinrich von Ripperda's Timeline

January 21, 1666
Tyskland (Germany)
February 15, 1697
Tyskland (Germany)
July 31, 1698
Age 32
Tjernjakhovsk, Kaliningrad, Rusland (Russian Federation)