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John Morehouse

Дата рождения:
Место рождения: Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, United States (США)
Смерть: январь 1731 (36)
Elizabeth, Hunterdon, Connecticut, United States (США)
Ближайшие родственники:

Сын Jonathan Morehouse, I и Rebecca Morehouse
Муж Susanna Morehouse
Отец David Morehouse и Stephen Morehouse
Брат Hannah Lacy; Joshua Morehouse; Mary Morehouse; Elizabeth Ambler и Tryal Morehouse
Неполнородный брат Jonathan Morehouse, II; Martha Morehouse; David Morehouse; Deborah Sturdivant; Mercy Webster и ещё 1

Менеджер: Jack George Mitchell
Последнее обновление:
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Ближайшие родственники

About John Morehouse

The online source for him (http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~morhouse/d0000/g0000010.htm...) gives 1678 -or- 1679 for his birth year, 1731 -or- 1732 for his death year. As his parents were only married in 1690, however, and he is listed as the third child, that seems unlikely, unless the date of their marriage is wrong. Note that the marriage of his mother (Rebecca Knowles) to Jonathan Morehouse was her second. It's all a bit confused.

Baptised 7 October 1694.

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Хронология John Morehouse

7 октября 1694
Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut, United States (США)
7 октября 1694
Fairfield, Fairfield Co., Conn.
Elizabeth, Union, New Jersey, United States (США)
январь 1731
Возраст 36
Elizabeth, Hunterdon, Connecticut, United States (США)