Lazar Eleazar (Baruh Lousada) Fischl

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Lazar Eleazar (Baruh Lousada) Fischl's Geni Profile

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Lazar Eleazar Fischl (Baruh Lousada)

Also Known As: "Fisch"
Birthplace: Timișoara, Timisoara, Timiș County, Romania
Death: 1841 (64-73)
Immediate Family:

Son of Moritz (Moses) bar Baruch Lousada (Fischl) and Sarah Baruh Lousada, Baroness
Husband of NN Fischl
Father of Ignaz Fischl; Ignaz Eisik Fischl; Salomon Fischl; Leopold Fischl and Moses Fischl
Brother of NN (Baruh Lousada) Fischl

Managed by: Leoné Gardner
Last Updated:

About Lazar Eleazar (Baruh Lousada) Fischl Online sources suggest that Bela's father Gutmann had a father named Moses not Lajos, that the father of Moses was Lazar Eleazar Fischl b~1772 in Timisoara, and an Ignasz was a brother of Moses Fischl. ...probability that Laszlo 1860-1922 was the grandson of Lazar, and hence that Gutmann was the son of Lazar not Moses. Moses as a grandson of Moses bar Baruch aka Moritz Baruh. Moritz is an equivalent of Moses. Perhaps Bela is an echo of Baruch, the father of Moritz Baruh, and the (suggested) unknown brother of Lazar 1772-1841 would have been named Baruch if he was the oldest son.

On 23rd July 1787 Emperor Joseph promulgated a law which obliged all Jews regardless of their origins or their original names to adopt German sounding names by January 1788. The Lousada family adopted the name Fisch or Fischl, taken from their house sign: a fish – most houses had signs in stead of numbers. Some descendants later adopted this to Fischer.)

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Lazar Eleazar (Baruh Lousada) Fischl's Timeline

Timișoara, Timisoara, Timiș County, Romania
Age 69
Timisoara, Timis, Romania