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Mary Worstall (Higgs)

Дата рождения:
Место рождения: Bristol Township, Bucks County, PA
Смерть: август 1808 (87-88)
Newtown, Bucks County, PA, United States (США)
Ближайшие родственники:

Дочь James Higgs и Elizabeth Higgs
Жена John Worstall
Мать Joseph Worstall
Сестра Elizabeth Higgs; Jane Hall; James Higgs of Horsham и Ann Brown
Неполнородная сестра Joseph Hutchinson

Менеджер: Private User
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Ближайшие родственники

About Mary Worstall

~• mentioned as Mary Worstall in her mother's will
~• mentioned in the will of her niece William Brown (name has unusual spelling)..

  • 6.248. William Brown (unsigned),
  • no date. Proved October 23, 1799 by George Merrick, who wrote it, and Christian Merrick;
    • Affirmed by Supreme Court January 24, 1800. Benjamin Larzelere, Adm. Pendente Lite.
    • Letters granted to Thomas Brown as exr. Uncles and aunts on his father's side,
      • John Brown of Phila., Mary Thompson and Chritina Merrick of Bristol Borough.
    • On his mother's side James Higgs of Horsham, Mary Wooster of Newtown and Jane Hall of Schoolkill.
  • Sister Sarah Larzelere's ch. Ann and Joseph Larzelere.
  • Exrs. George Merrick and Thomas Brown of Phila. No Wits.
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Хронология Mary Worstall

Bristol Township, Bucks County, PA
август 1808
Возраст 88
Newtown, Bucks County, PA, United States (США)