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Mrs. Nelson Sprinkle

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Жена Nelson Sprinkle

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About Mrs. Nelson Sprinkle

The civil war of course produced many needs for charity, and was marked throughout by organized movements aiming to supply those needs. Early in the war a soldiers' aid society was organized in the county. At a meeting in Har- risonburg, September 24, 1861, the following officers were elected:

President — Miss Jeannetta Conrad. Vice-Presidents — Mrs. Amanda Keezle, Mrs. Strother Effinger.

Recording Secretary — Miss M. Byrd. Corresponding Secretaries— Mrs. Harriet Ruffner, Mrs. M. Harvey Effinger.

Treasurer — Mrs. Harriet Warren. The following were chosen managers: Mrs. James Crawford Mrs. Margaret Wartmann

Mrs. G. Kratzer Mrs. Rebecca Newman

Mrs. Dr. Dinges Mrs. Henry Ott

Mrs. Nelson Sprinkel Mrs. Annie Kenney

Mrs. Geo. Christie Mrs. Lucy Effinger Mrs. Geo. Christie Mrs. Lucy Effinger

Mrs. Col. Hopkins Mrs. Juliet Strayer

Mrs. A. Lincoln Mrs. Mary Kyle

Miss Anna Strayer Maj. L. W. Gambill

Miss Rebecca Davis Mr. Peter Woodward

Miss Annie Jennings Mrs. Lizzie Hudson

Miss O'Brien Mrs. Susan Bear

Mrs. L. Bryan Mrs. Malinda Kite


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Хронология Mrs. Nelson Sprinkle