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Paul Lipschutz

Дата рождения:
Смерть: 14 августа 2003 (89)
Место погребения: Circleville, Orange, New York, United States
Ближайшие родственники:

Муж Evelyn Lipschutz
Отец Mark Alan Lipschutz

Профессия: Physician
Менеджер: Jean Ellen Roberts
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About Paul Lipschutz

DR. PAUL C. LIPSCHUTZ Middletown, N.Y.

Dr. Paul Lipschutz, a retired physician having practiced in Middletown for 55 years and lifelong resident of the area, died Thursday, August 14, 2003 at his home in Middletown. He was 89.

The son of Max Lipschutz and Sarah Mayer Lipschutz, he was born January 4, 1914 in New York, N.Y. He was a member of Temple Sinai, Middletown; graduate of Middletown High School and University of Michigan Medical School.

He became a licensed physician in 1938 and interned at New York University Medical Center Bellvue Hospital. He was a World War II Army veteran serving in the European Theatre as a Major in the Medical Corp. In 1975, he passed the Boards in Rheumatology, Allergy and Immunology and practiced these specialties until his retirement. 

He was a member of the American Medical Society; John M. Sheldon Allergy Society; International Association of Asthmology; a Fellow in the American Academy of Allergy and New York Diabetes Association; former member of Middletown Elks Lodge No. 1097; 50-year member of American Legion Post 151 of Middletown.

Survivors include his wife, Ida "Skippy" Frankel Lipschutz of Middletown; two stepsons, Alex Frankel of Middletown and Marc Alan Frankel of Middletown; several nieces and nephews.

He was predeceased by his first wife, Evelyn Green Lipschutz; his son, Mark Alan Lipschutz; two brothers, Frank and Jacob Lipschutz.

Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m., Sunday, August 17 in the Temple Sinai, 75 Highland Ave., Middletown. Rabbi Joel Schwab will officiate. Interment will be in Temple Sinai Cemetery, Circleville. Memorial contributions may be made to the Dr. Paul and Ida Lipschutz Scholarship Fund of Orange County Community College, 115 South St., Middletown, NY 10940 or to Temple Sinai, 75 Highland Ave., Middletown, NY 10940. Arrangements by Cornelius, Dodd and Connell

The generosity of the late Dr. Paul Lipschutz, who died at age 89 on Aug. 14, 2003, at his Middletown home, has been announced. His beloved University of Michigan will receive approximately $1 million. Temple Sinai in Middletown, where he worshipped, and the Orange County Jewish Federation, which serves many agencies locally, nationally and around the world, will each receive approximately $500,000.

To all three recipients, it is a well-received gift from a man who remained humble his entire life and who never appeared to be a person of financial wealth.

Born in New York City to parents of humble means, he moved to Middletown as a youngster, and sold newspapers and vegetables from a cart. He developed a work ethic like his immigrant parents and valued every cent earned. When he graduated from Middletown High School, he received a scholarship and a job at the University of Michigan. After earning a bachelor of science degree, he was so grateful to the school for giving him opportunities that he continued his education at its medical school.

Shortly after he became a licensed physician and interned at New York University Medical Center - Bellevue Hospital, America entered World War II. A proud American, he joined the U.S. Army, serving in the European Theater as a major in the medical corps. After the war, he returned to Middletown to set up a medical practice, which he continued for 55 years until retirement several years before he died.

Always eager to help others and having an unquenchable thirst to further his medical knowledge, he was 60 when he passed the boards in rheumatology, allergy and Immunology.

His many patients were his friends. He used to tell them that, rather than sit in the waiting room, they should come to the back door for faster treatment. And they did. Almost every morning, sometimes as early as daybreak, people would be at the back door. No one would be in the waiting room.

When Paul raised the office fee from $5 to $7, he was apologetic. Some of his patients didn't pay in cash, but they'd give him a myriad of gifts that ranged from a sack of onions and a basket of apples to a load of top soil and fertilizer for his gardens.

Paul was known to be dedicated and spent long hours at his practice. It was a fact that he spent more time with his patients than his family. Long after his first wife, the former Evelyn Green, died, and years later their adult son, Marc, an only child, he often said he regretted not spending more time with family. His second marriage, to Ida Skippy Frankel, the former Liberty mayor who died this year, had promise. She worked in the office with him after they married. When he retired, they traveled extensively and entertained frequently. Paul was organized and had planned his will and financial gifts before the devastating effects of Alzheimer's disease robbed him of memory.

Murray Rosen, who was financial adviser to both Paul and Skippy, was trustee of the Lipschutz will. He also was Paul's financial adviser for 35 years.

Said Rosen: "As a kid, my parents held Paul Lipschutz up as an example to follow. They'd say, Â'If you want something bad enough, anything is possible.' Paul was the proof.

"He was a remarkable man, smart, humble, caring and successful," said Rosen, who fondly called his friend "Lippy." Lipschutz's fortune was made through investments.

This columnist spent many enjoyable hours with Paul and Skippy. Paul always had great stories to share. Whether sitting in his beautiful home, which was filled with antiques and lovely appointments often acquired at estate sales, or sitting on the ground as he gardened in his meticulously kept yard on Linden Place, there was never a dull moment. Paul loved his gardens, which were filled with berries, flowers and vegetables. He knew each variety as thoroughly as he would a patient. The garden always brought him full circle to the days he pushed a vegetable cart.

In his later years Paul was determined to be closer to his faith, as his parents had been. One year, wanting to be involved in the High Holiday services at Temple Sinai, a short walk from his residence, he engaged a cantor to teach him how to chant from the Torah.

It was with accomplishment and joy that he participated on the afternoon of Yom Kippur that year.

His appreciation for the Jewish Federation was introduced by his longtime friend and neighbor, the late Florence Levine, who was a founder and former president of the Federation. They had many conversations on the Federation's good deeds.

Alzheimer's disease may have robbed Paul of his last years, a sad end for such a brilliant mind. But his love for humanity and learning will be carried on through scholarships and educational programs for years because he was a planner who wanted his money to be used to help others as he had been helped.

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Хронология Paul Lipschutz

4 января 1914
14 августа 2003
Возраст 89
Circleville, Orange, New York, United States (США)