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Peter Harder

Дата рождения:
Место рождения: Holstein, Sontra, Kassel, Hesse, Germany (Германия)
Смерть: 14 января 1898 (87)
Cottonwood Falls, Chase County, Kansas, United States (США) (Old Age)
Ближайшие родственники:

Сын Unknown Harder
Муж Mary Ann Harder
Отец Amanda Ann Greenwood; Charley Bert Harder; Albert Harder; William Harder; John Harder и ещё 3

Профессия: Company E, 12th Missouri Calvary
Менеджер: Rev Catherine Lynn West
Последнее обновление:

About Peter Harder

◦Peter Harder By Mrs. Fred Romigh (Carrie Harder) Peter Harder was born in Holstein Germany, April 24, 1810, and served in the German Army nineteen years, coming to America in 1852. Soon after his arrival in this country, he emigrated to Missouri, and in 1862 enlisted in Company E, 12th Missouri Calvary, and served during the remainder of the Civil War. He was the chief bugler of his regiment and during the remainder of his life it was his chief delight to get outside and give his bugle call to the "Boys", which could be heard for several miles. His bugle was his most prize possession. He was a soldier through and through, taking great interest in all things pertaining to military service.

In 1858 Peter married Mary Ann Anderson of Mercer County, Missouri. (The Andersons came from Tennessee to Missouri). The Harder family moved to Chase County in 1872 locating on Spring Creek southwest of Cottonwood Falls Kansas. Here Peter resided until his death January 14, 1898, at the age of eighty-eight years. To Peter Harder and his wife Mary Ann eight children were born: Charles, Albert, John, James and William, and three daughters Jennie (Mrs. Newman), Mathilda (Mrs. Wm Foster, formerly Ms William Faris) and Amanda.
"Uncle Peter", as he was generally called was a familiar figure on the street of Cottonwood Falls, and during his long residence in Chase County made many friends.
Mary Ann Anderson (Mrs. Peter Harder) was born in Tennessee, April 15, 1834, and died at her home southwest of Cottonwood Falls, January 29 1923. She died of pneumonia, as did her husband and grandson, Frank Faris. She lived long enough to see great-grandchildren, and one of her most precious possessions was a five-generation of her family. Although in poor health, she retained her memory until her death. She was a very quiet, home-loving woman and there was nothing too hard for her to do for her loved ones. She was buried in Prarie Grove Cemetery. Her daughter preceded her in death by about two years.
Charles Harder, son of Peter and Mary Ann was born April22, 1866, in Princeton Missouri. He came to Kansas when six years of age and this county has been his home ever since, until three years ago when ill health forced him to live with his daughter. He died August 3, 1945, at Garden City Kansas aged seventy-nine years.
On October 25, 1888, Charles Harder married Miss Mary Robinson. They were the parents of three children: Don Harder, who died in World War I in 1918, Nettie who died in 1935, and Denia McRae of Garden City.
In 1902 Charles Harder bought the old Christopher Streiby Farm, 75 acres in Sec. 8 6-19. It was granted to Streiby in 1862. Phillip Morris got possession of it from him in 1869. Then in succession came Albert Balch, then D. Pierry. Then the Haskett heirs in 1879. It was owned by Franklin Haskett in 1885. He deeded it to Jennie Haskett Byers in 1897. The Harder home stands just a few feet from where stood the Rusher house, which was destroyed by a tornado in 1892, which killed Mr. Rusher. Located on the south and south-west corner of this place is the Elk Cemetery. This place is on Stribby Creek, named for Christopher Streiby but because of a printed misspelling has become known as Stribby Creek.
Albert Harder, son of Peter and Mary Ann was born in Princeton Missouri, September 4, 1869, and come to Chase County with his parents when he was a small child. This county has been his home ever since. He grew up in this community and was always engaged in farming. On February 16, 1904 he married Mary daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Daub. To this union one daughter Grace was born.
For many years Albert Harder farmed and west of Strong City, but about 1942 he was obliged to retire because of his failing health. He passed from this life November 7, 1945, aged 76 years. He leaves his wife Mary and one daughter Grace (Mrs. Winifred Britian of Elmdale). Albert was the last of his four brothers and three sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Winifred Britian are the parents of four children. They are Orville, Mary Jane, and Harold Britian of Elmdale and Pfc. John Britian in U.S. Army in Germany.
William Harder was born in Princeton, Missouri and came to Chase County, Kansas with his parents in 1872, settling on Spring Creek. Growing to manhood in Chase County, William Harder was always a farmer. He married Susie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Daub. They farmed near Prarie Hill, then on the Cottonwood River near Elmdale and finally bought the old Prather farm just west of the Prarie Grove Cemetery.
William Harder was killed in a motor car accident at the Spring Creek Bridge, west of Cottonwood Falls, January 28, 1924. His car ran off an embankment and turned over, pinning him beneath it. It was almost the same spot where W>S> Romigh was killed in a similar manner in 1908.
William and Susie Harder were the parents of five children. Rosie who died in young womanhood, Mrs. Fred Romigh, and William Harder of Cottonwood Falls; Oscar Harder of Topeka, Kansas and Mrs. Jennie Lebon of Detroit Michigan.
Carrie Harder married Fred Romigh, veterinarian of Chase County, Fred comes from on of the oldest pioneer families. His father William S. Romigh having settled on the present Romigh farm west of Cottonwood Falls in 1858. Fred and Carrie have one daughter Maugerite (Mrs. Burley Starks). Burley is now serving in the US Navy. He and Marguerite have one daughter, Alice Kay Starks.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Romigh live in the south part of cottonwood Falls, where they bought the home of Mrs. Ella McCabe in 1945.
Historian's note: Carrie Harder Romigh died in St. Mary's Hospital October 14, 1946. She was buried in Prarie Grove Cemetery.http://www.singletonfamily.org/getperson.php?personID=I29230&tree=1
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Хронология Peter Harder

24 апреля 1810
Holstein, Sontra, Kassel, Hesse, Germany (Германия)
23 августа 1863
22 апреля 1866
Missouri, United States (США)
4 сентября 1869
Princeton, Mercer County, Missouri, United States (США)
14 января 1898
Возраст 87
Cottonwood Falls, Chase County, Kansas, United States (США)
Mercer County, Missouri, United States (США)
Mercer County, Missouri, United States (США)